
WV Capitol Protest vs Trump, Project 2025 brings power warnings – Spiritofjefferson

WV Capitol Protest vs Trump, Project 2025 brings power warnings – Spiritofjefferson

More than 100 people gathered on the stairs in front of the Capitol of Western Virginia on February 5 with protest signs and chanting to speak against the latest actions from both state and federal Republican officials.

Protesters have identified the policies of the 2025 project, a set of ideals published by the Conservative Heritage Foundation as a list of desire for Donald Trump’s presidency, which are now beginning to be realized through federal executive orders and actions. Protesters also shared fears with the new role of Elon Musk in the Federal Government and mourned the state -level movements that reflect those that happen at national level.

The protest was an effort that is largely organized through social media. It was part of a national project called “50501”, which means 50 protests, 50 states, one day, according to social media publications. Outside of social media explanations, the origin of the Protest Day remains unknown.

In West Virginia, until no particular organization observed the protest, several non -profit organizations – the Western Virginia shoulder of the US Union for Civil Liberties and the Western Virginia Women’s March, among others, were present, giving out literature and connecting with people, who are concerned and angry with the last federal and state policies.

Bryana Griffith of Montgomery said she was protesting on February 5 because she was “frightened” to her transgender friends, who are directed through both the state and the federal authorities.

Griffith, who has been protesting for years in the country’s Capitol on countless issues from teachers’ labor rights to suspend the mountain, said he believes people are tired of having to defend their rights and beliefs against constant attacks.

“I just feel like we are losing our democracy – I hate to say fascism because it sounds really extreme, but it really feels like that right now,” Griffith said. “I think the more people here we get such things, the more the state legislator will see that we need to answer us.”

The pride flag hung around Griffith’s shoulders – as well as several other protesters – as she chanted with the crowd. She said she bought a few to hang in her home in a Montgomery Holler to show her neighbors that if they identify with gay and the Lesbian community, they have an ally nearby. The flags in her home, she said, now joined the many Trump flags hanging at the homes of her neighbors.

“Sometimes it can be a little scary [speaking out]But I think it’s important to inform people that we’re here too, “Griffith said. “If there are people like me here, I want them to know that we are here together. There are more of us than they think, and we are crazy. “

Aaron Alred, who has been a legislative auditor of the state for 30 years, both under the Republican and democratic leadership, has been present in the protest of Capitol with great concerns about the lack of precautions of power in both the federal and state governments.

Allred said it was confusing to see the proposed federal actions – as an effort to freeze Musk’s federal grants and attacks against Medicare and Medicaid – which would disproportionately harm the residents of Western Virginia and Apalachia, where most people voted for Trump.

“I think we have to take seriously what Musk and Trump do. Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, you should expect the separation of power, “he said. “If the Congress is not to be a check by Musk and Trump, we will have to make people peacefully protest and have to have middle -class people and in the middle of the political spectrum to be ready to stand up and say,” America is never founded by Executive Director [doing] Whatever the hell wants. “

At the state level, as the Republican super -compliance has grown for the state legislative body, Allred is concerned about the consequences of a bill adopted last year, which reduces the powers of the auditor’s legislative service, which has long been regarded as the State Agency’s Cost and Execution Agency.

Now this office explicitly responds to the President of the Senate and the Chairman of the Chamber. No audits or reports can be created or released without their approval, which was once an independent and transparent process, now by its very guerrilla.

“They have downloaded railings that are important for the government to function properly,” Olred said. “You must have an independent voice that tells the truth with facts and I think we are moving away from it. In the long run, this will bite us from behind. “

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