
Wisconsin’s Supreme Court to decide that Meagan Wolfe is not nominated on Friday – Maciverinstutete

Wisconsin’s Supreme Court to decide that Meagan Wolfe is not nominated on Friday – Maciverinstutete

The Supreme Court’s WEC decision comes on Friday

We will receive an answer as to whether the Wisconsin election managers have successfully directed the state senate in their candidacy from preventing Megan Wolfe from losing their work.

The Supreme Court of Wisconsin is scheduled to issue a decision in the Ulf case on Friday.

The Supreme Court heard the arguments in November whether Wolfe was appointed for detention or whether the choice of Wisconsin was exceeded, not reassigning it to a second term in 2023.

Republicans in the Senate of Wisconsin voted for the dismissal of Wolfe, but Wisconsin Prosecutor Josh Cowul filed a case. A judge of Dan County ruled in favor of Wolfe, but Republican senators appealed.

“The decision of the chain court was wrong. [State law]The text, context and the legal purpose mean that the WEC has a mandatory obligation to appoint a new administrator for the Councils and the consent of the Senate, after the administrator period has expired. Therefore [the law] Uses the term “must – as” the administrator … is appointed by the majority of the members of the Commission ” – thus imposing a obligation,” said Republicans In their complaintS “The opposite conclusion of the Court of the Circle would allow a guerrilla minority from the WEC to keep the administrator of detention indefinitely without the Senate exercising its fundamental right to council and consent.”

Wolfe remained as an WEC administrator after his nomination in 2023.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has already ruled on detention nominations. In 2022, the conservative majority ruled that the then member of the Natural Resources Council Fred Prene could remain in the Council until the state senate approved his deputy.

But the liberal justice in this court, including three judges, who will resolve Wolfe’s case, claims that the appointment of a prenne is “absurd”.

“The absurd involvement of the majority allows the six-year term of the Transnite Mandate in the Natural Resources Council-which has expired more than a year ago-to last as long as the prenn wants, as long as it refuses to leave and the Senate does not confirm an heir nominated by the governor,” justice, justice Rebecca Dalet wrote in his disagreement In the case of Prehn as early as 2022. “The majority founded these pointless conclusions about his mis -reading of a handful of statutes and doctrine of a general law act designed to avoid the” disorder and inconvenience “that would lead to the fact that the actors failed to continue to occupy position in position after the expiration of their conditions, but before he has an heir. “

The decision in the Wolf case will decide more than whether Wolfe should continue to work in an election committee. Forensic observers say that the liberal majority court will decide how much power is behind the Wisconsin Senate’s power to advise and agree on nominations from the governor’s office.

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