
Which industries hire in southern California? – Sun in San Bernardino County

Which industries hire in southern California? – Sun in San Bernardino County

Southern California had a record employment as 2024 was over, but not every industry was in the mood for rent.

My reliable spreadsheet, filled with state-owned jobs that have not been corrected for seasonal swings, have opened the highest 8.1 million jobs in December in the cities of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino. The region added 79,300 jobs a year.

The record was set with an increase in work 7,200 since November. Still, local hiring was an average of 14 640 in December between 2015 and 2019, over the years before the coronavirus.

So, what kind of industries have opposed cooling at the end of the year?

Consider three niches for work, related to seasonal celebrations that outpaced their historical models in December. It strengthens other statistics showing fast vacation shopping.

Start with the warehouse workers who have moved these online gift consignments.

The local logistics and communal industry had 839,500 workers in December-up to 5,900 a month, exceeding the average December rentals from 5300 in 2015-19. And these jobs increased by 12,400 last year.

Personal power supply to shop for hiring local traders.

771 300 Retail workers is an increase of 5,200 per month against an average of December 5,000 in 2015-19. And retail employment has grown by 5500 per year, local hint buyers return to the malls.

And the dining room at the end of the year helped the seating restaurants in the four counties.

In December in December-with 300 for a month compared to the average December, which marked 240 abbreviations in 2015-19. This food service category added 1600 jobs last year.

Another growth

Job increases in December were found in only half of 12 other business sectors in South California. Here are expandable employees ranked on one -month changes …

Information: 221 400 workers-4500 per month against an average of 200 hires in 2015-19. It is 1900 in the year.

Health: 846 700 workers-up to 900 per month against an average of 3,700 rentals in 2015-19. It is 32 300 per year.

Hotels/fun/recreation: 268 100 workers-900 per month against an average of 3 900 hires in 2015-19. This is 3000 per year.

Personal Services: 266 800 workers-up to 700 per month against an average of 1000 abbreviations in 2015-19. He is 200 in a year.

Fast food restaurants: 359 200 workers-up to 500 per month against an average of 600 abbreviations in 2015-19. It is 3800 per year.

Financial: 362,800 workers-the existence of 200 per month against an average of 1600 hires in 2015-19. It is 1600 per year.

Not in the mood

Here’s what local industries reduce jobs, as 2024 ended, ranked with a drop in employment …

Construction: 368 900 workers down with 3,800 per month against an average of 2400 abbreviations in 2015-19. It decreases by 8,900 per year.

Private education: 216 900 workers down 3100 per month against an average of 2,900 abbreviations in 2015-19. It is 6 100 per year.

Government: 1.04 million workers-2500 per month against an average of 200 hires in 2015-19. It is 13,800 per year.

Professional Business Services: 1.14 million workers down 1600 per month against an average of 400 abbreviations in 2015-19. It decreases by 1000 per year.

Production: 555 900 workers down 600 per month against an average of 900 hires in 2015-19. It decreases by 18,000 a year.

Social assistance: 514 300 workers down 300 per month against an average of 1400 hired in 2015-19. That’s 25,000 a year.

Jonathan Lansner is the Southern California News Group Business Colostine. Next to it you can contact

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