Prosecutor General JB Mccuskey, Center, joined representatives of the Coal Association in West Virginia and GO-WV on Thursday as he announced a federal case against New York because of a law that may impose financial sanctions on coal producers, oil and natural gas. (Photo by Stephen Allen Adams)
Charleston – Prosecutor General JB Mccuskey is joining other Republican countries in opposing a law in New York, which can influence the Western Virginia coal and natural gas industry. In our First Press Conference in the Law Library at the Attorney General’s Office in the State Capitol Building on Thursday, Mccuskey Announted That West Virgin AGOC Als in the US District Court for the North County of New York Division in Obani, challenging the Law on Climate Amendment. Makkusky and 21 other countries ask the court to issue an order blocking the application of the new law and to declare the law predisposed by federal laws.
“Their legislative body – signed by their governor – decided that countries producing energy and companies that drive their economies owe them $ 75 billion over the next 10 years,” “ said Makkusky. “Here, in Western Virginia, we defend the people who shower after work instead of it. Both men and women of the oil and gas industry and the coal industry, they have driven our economy and built this country. We will not allow countries like New York to usurp the federal government. “
At the end of December, New York Governor Katie Hocular signed legislation s.2129-b/a.3351-b, creating what she called a “Climate Superfund.” The law requires fossil fuel companies to pay Superfund in the climate based on their share of greenhouse gas emissions. The law is similar to the Vermont Climate Act.
“With almost all record rainfall, heat wave and coastal storm, the New Yorkers are increasingly expected with billions of dollars in the consequences of health, safety and the environment due to pollutants who have historically harmed the environment,” “ said Hochul in a statement last year.
“SUPERFUND climate establishment is the worst example for my administration to take action to keep pollutants responsible for the damage caused to our environment and the requirement of major investment in infrastructure and other projects critical of our communities and economics protection.” . ” Hochul continued. The SUPERFUND Law on Climate Amendment requires companies engaged in the production or refinement of fossil fuels for an 18-year period between 2000 and 2018 and is determined to be responsible for more than 1 billion tonnes of carbon emissions during this time to pay in A fund, if civil servants determine that during that time, if civil servants determine that they have identified civil servants if civil servants determine that they have identified civil servants if civil servants determine the companies have any connection with New York.
“All these emissions were controlled by the federal government regulated by the Federal Government and were managed legally” said Makkusky. “They are trying to go back and rearly, which have completely obeyed all the applicable federal laws for something they did legally, which – when you think of this kind of perspective of Yoman – is crazy.”
The Superfund Act to change the climate will be aimed at extracting and producing oil, natural gas, coal. The law also does not set restrictions on the geographical range of emissions, which means that New York employees may impose financial sanctions on industries that are not based on the state, but whose impact on climate is definitely affecting New York residents. New York employees are expected to raise up to $ 3 billion a year for a period of 25 years to reach a total of $ 75 billion for the cost reimbursement program to adapt climate change in New York. The funds will be used for infrastructure infrastructure projects for climate change throughout the country. The law involves a very narrow process of appeal, which makes it difficult to challenge the definitions of the State Department for Environmental Protection in New York on their liability under the Law on Super Funds for Climate Amendment. The trial is called by New York Prosecutor James James; Sam Mahar, temporarily acting Commissioner of the Ministry of Environment; and Amanda Hiller, the current tax commissioner of the State Department of Taxation and Financing of New York. Makkusky joined Thursday by representatives of the Association of Coal in West Virginia and the Gases and Petroleums Association of West Virginia (GO-WV).
“I cannot express how proud we are to be able to stand here side by side with the JB Mccuskey General Prosecutor,” Chris Hamilton, President and CEO of the Coal Association in West Virginia, said. “We are so grateful that you have taken the leader here against this Draconian law, which has been passed and signed in the law by New York.”
“We supply their economies, as we always have, or with natural gas or electricity, and we believe that we make it very clean, very efficiently and send our product around the world in the form of VPG (liquid gas),” GO-WV chairman Jim Crues said. “We are also applauding General Makkuski, his staff for all the great work they do, taking a leading role on these issues that have been ignored by the federal government, or challenging these industries in the form of the federal government for so many years. “
Stephen Allen Adams can be found at sadams@newsandsentinel.com