
Western Virginia distillery is recovering from a strong ice storm – Whsv

Western Virginia distillery is recovering from a strong ice storm – Whsv

Franklin, WV. (Whsv) – After last week a lot of a lot of a lot in the Penteleton County saw trees and power lines descend due to the weight of the ice. Dry Run Spirits distillery owner Jeff Moon says he wakes up and hears a branch after breaking the branch under the accumulated ice. “It was as if you could hear the shots go beyond the massive branches of trees that fall apart under the ice. It just sounded like someone shooting a gun. “He remembered. The dropped trees threatened his maple surgery when large branches fell on his lines.

Moon has been operating dry -run spirits since 2020, and the juice of each of its maple trees is vital to the operation. He uses juice, not only for syrup, but also for Maple Moonshine. So with a storm of this scale, Moon’s most concern was the health of his lines. Fortunately, Moon believes that his property has not been hit as hard as others.

Only half a mile up the road, the damage from the tree was much more intensive. “But here, in the property of my neighbor, I would see, I would say, 25% of all trees were demolished and each of the trees had some damage in their upper branches, and half of them lost their peaks. “Said Moon. Many of the trees that descended fell as the winds broke through the area after the glue fell.

Returning to Moon’s ownership, the damage to maple tapping was minimal. He attributes to the material that the lines are designed to say: “The vinyl lines we use to allow the juice to collect with the help of gravity, a lot of elasticity to them, so they will take a lot of abuse. And I had a tree to go down to the line, to break the line all the way to the ground, and then the line had to come out three more feet to continue, and the juice continued to flow. “Even with the attached lines, he explained that suction from the trees at the bottom of the hill is what keeps the juice.

With this storm behind him and the next on the deck, Moon says they will do their best to mitigate the bad effects. “We are now better prepared because we have taken out our generator and are ready for it. We had not expected a loss of power like us. This part of the Penteleon County was stabbed and miles of power lines descended, and here in the next row they lost four poles of power that were broken by trees that fall on them. “He said. He added that he was confident in the surgery he built to ride the next storm.

Looking forward, Moon has a great sense of the coming days. He says he is looking forward to Mountain State’s days on February 15 and March 15, even with time. This will be when all the sugar houses in the West Virginia (including Moon) will gather to celebrate and show all things Maple. If you are interested in attending or just want to know more about the annual holiday, click here.

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