
West Virginia Constitutional Party holds a winter summit in Parkersburg – Parkersburg News

West Virginia Constitutional Party holds a winter summit in Parkersburg – Parkersburg News

West Virginia Constitutional Party holds a winter summit in Parkersburg – Parkersburg News

S. Marshall Wilson, on the left, the Candidate for Governor of the Western Virginia Governor in 2024, spoke with people attending the winter summit of the party on Saturday afternoon at the Parker Rock Church. (Photo by Evan Bevins)

Parkersburg – the Constitutional Party of West Virginia celebrates its new status as a recognized political party with access to a vote in the state of its average meeting on Saturday in Parker, but their focus was more recently on the future than on the recent achievement.

“You are redirecting and retraining and reincarnating” S. Marshall Wilson, a former Republican state -owned delegate from Berkli County, said, whose display in the race for governors in 2024 secured the party’s recognition. “We will have candidates up and down the vote” In 2026

Wilson said that the party’s leadership principle is the belief that the government exists without a purpose other than providing people’s rights. He said they plan to work to replace civil servants “Who commits outrageous violations” Against this principle.

“The party doesn’t matter to us”, “ Wilson said, added that they would not rule out to help democratic, republican or libertarian candidates who share their opinion on the role of the government.

Joining Wilson at Rock Church on the 37th street for the event, they were the national party chairman Justin Magil, regional chairman Bob Gudrich, and State President Amy Lauli.

The chairman of the Constitution of Western Virginia Amy Stirl, on the left, presents Trisha Jackson, a former Berkli County Commissioner and a Republican Candidate for a State Auditor during the party’s winter meeting at the Rock Church in Parkersburg. (Photo by Evan Bevins)

“Afford to a vote for a state party is quite huge,” said Magil. “Many people are desperately looking for something. And we have the opportunity to introduce ourselves as this thing. “

Magil said he wanted to see people not only move to the state level, such as Wilson, but also for school councils and the city government and the county.

“This is really the key to the change and this is really the level where the resistance is to be” he said.

Education councils can be returned against state and national authorities to tell schools what they can and cannot do, Magil said.

Gudrich said he was a Republican throughout life who had always voted for conservative candidates but goop “It traded a principle of power.” He said he turned to the Constitutional Party in 2010 after a conversation with God and emphasized the importance of voting for people who will do what is right, not just those who can win.

Bob Gudrich, regional chairman of the Constitutional Party, covering many Eastern states, spoke during the Constitutional Party of the Western Virginia winter meeting on Saturday at the Rock Church in Parkersburg. (Photo by Evan Bevins)

About 40 people attended the event, including North Hills Glenn Newman, a member of the MOVCAC group.

“At 80, I never thought I would see the day when the back of the two party systems was broken. And it was, “ said Newman.

Trisha Jackson, a former Djefferson County Commissioner, was also present for a state auditor as a Republican in 2024. Before losing in the main Meetings at the end of 2023 in a dispute on the process of appointing a vacancy for a committee.

Jackson said members of the Republican Party had a hand when she was removed from office.

“I am a fundamental person. I believe in the constitution. And I believe in the presentation of people, “ she said. “I could no longer contact the Republican Party.”

Ladder began the second half of the summit by reading “Midfield By Henry Wodwsworth Longfellow. She said the country was standing on the verge of a new revolution, not with weapons, but with truth and ideals, and asked people to consider running for an office.

A stub said the party needs moral candidates who will maintain the principles and the original intention of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Evan Bevins can be found at

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