Your article in the January 2025 edition of The Gilbert Independent said a single Greenfield Road driver noticed a cause to sink from Worn sewageThe age lines in which he came in was slightly injured and the road was closed for weeks. If this happened in 2015 and now nine years later the city faces replacement sewageAge lines and the addition of elevator stations pumps What action did they take in these nine years? The article also states that 50 -year -old pipes were used, incorrectly installed, which often damage the mucous membranes. If this is the case, why does Gilbert go after the installation company to cover some of the cost of replacement?
It was stated that the increase in the rate would be $ 29 a month in their utility account. However, if you use the utility calculator from the public work website and use 4000 to 5000 gallons a month, your increase will be $ 39 a month and will increase with more water you use. If I compare my utility bill from January 2023, with the estimated utility account, it will affect this spring for all money, it will be $ 64 a month, and the combination of money/bonds will be $ 43 a month. I have not read how long the new increase in the rate will last. Will the old pipe be replaced and by then the Higla and South Gilbert area will have to be replaced with another speed increase?
G. Eggleston