
Virtual mayoralties to study the intersection of courts and policy – Daily Journal

Virtual mayoralties to study the intersection of courts and policy – Daily Journal

The California Judges California Association Coalition will host a series of virtual mayoralties beginning on February 25 to deepen the judicial independence and the intersection of the courts and politics.

The first two sessions of the Judges and Policy series will be held in Southern California. The coastal mayoralty on February 25 will include the judge of the Supreme Court of the Orange Lee Gabriel, the judge of the Supreme Court of the San Diego County Robert Trentacost, and the judge of the Supreme Court of the County Los Angeles Laura Walton. The chief deputy of the district prosecutor of San Diego County Jerilin Malana will serve as a panel moderator.

The internal session in southern California will be held on March 19, with the participation of the Judge of the Supreme Court of the Riverside Sean Laferti County, a judge of the Supreme Court of the Imperial District Marco Nunes and the retired judge of the San Bernardino Supreme Court John Pacheko. Greg Rizio, the immediate previous President of Cal-Abota, will be session.

“Civil engagement is more critical than ever,” said CJA President and San Bernardino Supreme Court judge Khimberly Apalo. “It is important to create more transparency and make more information about the third branch available to the public.”

The mayoralties, organized by the California Laws Association and the California Attorney Foundation, will expand later this year to include sessions focused on the regions of Sacramento and San Francisco. Although organized by the region, all virtual events are free and open to the public.

Established in 2018, the Judicial Justice Coalition brings together active and retired judges, members of the Bar and Legal Scientists. The group is dedicated to the fight against misinformation for the judicial system and launched a public education campaign in 2022 to emphasize the role of the judiciary.

The registration is available to All sessions start at 16:30

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