
Utah Business Forum, Main Street Matters Forum Hosting – KVNU

Utah Business Forum, Main Street Matters Forum Hosting – KVNU

Logan – Students in Landscape Architecture and Planning Department of the University of Ecological (LAEP) lead a seminar for main streets starting on Saturday, February 8 from 9:00 to 17:00.

The seminar will be held in the visual building of Utah, located on the east side of the campus in the FAV210.

“This is an event led by a student and is not related to (the Ministry of Transport of Utah),” says Cameron Hill, who is combined with the event with another student Galen Colberher. “We have received funding and we want to get as many public participation as possible.”

They have contacted some Logan companies and other companies will come and join what students are trying to do.

“The meeting on Saturday, February 8 will include a discussion on the panel,” he said. “We have invited Gary Saxton, Director of the Alliance in the city center, a professor at LAEP, a professor of engineering and a Horrocks professional, who plans to be part of the panel.”

Students and professionals will cooperate through workshops to develop ideas and solutions to improve Logan Main Street and its subsidiaries.

The program will continue on Thursday, February 13 from 5:00 pm to 20:00 with dinner and session on the net. They will also have a poster design workshop and graphic foundations.

On Thursday, February 27, they will also have dinner and network work and will look at the final posters.

On Saturday, March 1 from 6:30 pm to 20:00 will be the last meeting that will include a community feedback session.

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