
Two arrested during the bust of drugs by Baton Rouge; Met, cocaine, seized – wafb

Two arrested during the bust of drugs by Baton Rouge; Met, cocaine, seized – wafb

Baton Rouge, La. (WAFB) – Two men are behind bars after an anonymous advice led to a drug bust in Baton Rouge.

In February 2025, MPs investigated Baton Ruzh Dieger’s accused of Baton Dieger, 35.

Jordan Digger
Jordan Digger(Sheriff’s Service in Eastern Baton Rouge))

The agents have held many hours of observation in Baton Rouge from Diager and his home on Avenue Skysail. A search order has been received.

MEPs said Dieger was found to have an order through sheriff of sheriff East Baton Rouge.

On February 19, SWAT agents arrived at Skysail Avenue’s home to comply with the search order. Daigre declined to come out and was later seen on a recorded video from Swat, which washing what looked like drugs in the bathroom toilet.

A second man, 18-year-old Diangello Adams, was removed after trying to run from the back of the house.

Deangelo Adams
Deangelo Adams(Sheriff’s Service in Eastern Baton Rouge))

After Diager and Adams were in custody, wedding the residence and secured the area.

The following arrests and seizures are the result of the search order:

Seized drugs and currency

1.59 ounces of crystalline methamphetamine

13.6 grams of cocaine powder

3.6 grams of cocaine cocaine

1.04 pounds of marijuana

(2) Dosage units of fentanyl pills (0.9 grams)

(2) Dosage units of MDMA pills

(9) Dosage units of alprazolam pills

(3) Dosage units of tramadol pills

(5) Dosage units of Buprenorphine Naloxone Plates

(8) Digital Libra (Cocaine Remain)


Plastic bags and a drug cutting agent

$ 386.00

Firearms (1)

Glock, 26 Semiauto 9mm Pistol (Stolen)

The Sheriff's Service in East Baton Rouge seized numerous drugs and firearms while performing ...
The Sheriff’s Service in East Baton Rouge seized numerous drugs and firearms while executing a search order at Skysail Avenue.(Sheriff’s Service in Eastern Baton Rouge))
Jordan Diager (27.11.1989)


14:94 – illegal use of weapons or dangerous instruments

14: 69.1 – Illegal possession of a stolen firearm

14: 37.4 – an aggravated attack with a firearm

Fees from 8023 Skysail Avenue

Pwtid Another I other (marijuana)

Pwtid Medicated List I (MDMA Pills)

Pwtid List II drug (fentanyl pills)

Pwtid List II (Crystal Methamphetamine) drug

Pwtid List II (cocaine) drug

Pwtid Medicine with Schedule III (Buprenorphine Patches)

Pwtid Medication with Schedule IV (Alprazolam pills)

Pwtid List IV (tramadol pills)

Poss. of a firearm by a convicted criminal

Poss. of a firearm with CDs

Poss. from a stolen firearm

CD in the presence of a minor

Obstruction of justice (destruction of evidence)



Deangelo Adams (11/09/2006)

Poss. to List II (cocaine) drug


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