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The Rotary Club of Trenton held its Fifth Thursday meeting on Thursday, October 31st at the BTC Bank Community Hall, keeping with the Halloween theme for the gathering. Scott Sharp chaired the meeting, Dan Wilford provided the prayer, Brian Upton served as Sergeant Major, and Christy Harris was the organizer of the Fifth Thursday event.
Program Chair Kim Washburn introduced guest speakers Russell Reynolds and Russell Reynolds Jr., Breckenridge-based operators of Beyond Life Paranormal Research Missouri. Their organization specializes in investigating reports of paranormal activity, focusing on residential and private or public buildings.
Reynolds Jr. discussed a range of cases they have investigated, highlighting their first case, which involved what he described as partial possession. He explained the process of classifying cases based on observed phenomena. Additionally, Reynolds Jr. noted that Reynolds Sr. developed a psychic ability after a near-death experience that Reynolds Jr. believed gave him “powers from the outside world.” Several items used during their investigations were also shown to the attendees.
During the business portion of the meeting, it was announced that emails would be sent to members to encourage participation in bell ringing for the Salvation Army.
The program for the next meeting on November 7th will feature James Knight, a drone pilot with Knight and Day Recovery. Don Pourkapile and Jackie Soptic will serve as program chairs for this session.
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