Entering in 2024, Gamecocks in South Carolina had many questions about the defender’s place after the departure of Spencer Ratler, but by the end of the campaign in 2024, Lannis sellers became the name of a household nationwide. The question is how sellers can take the next step in the second year.
Sellers will almost certainly be in very short lists of Heisman coming in 2025, but in order to end up in New York and bring South Carolina to the appearance of playoffs at the College of Football, he will have to improve in three key areas S
1) Be more consistent in passing game
Sellers had many maximums in their first year as a Gamecocks starter. It ends the regular season of a series of six games with the following numbers: ends 100/149 (67 percent) of its gaps for 1481 yards and 13 touchdowns with only 3 intercepts. There were no super low low after the old dominion game for sellers, but where it can develop more, it goes through its progress and hits the open receivers down. Sometimes the sellers were in a hurry to get up if his first couple said he wasn’t there, and although she was obviously elite as a runner, these footage is down there so that your explosive receivers can make plays. Turning 5 yards ran into a potential game of 15+ yards, it can send this crime into orbit in 2025. Si Brooks Austin details some of these plays in his breakdown here.
2) Limit the turnover
The turnover is the killer of any offensive driving, and it was a struggle for sellers in 2024. It ended the year with 7 intercepts and was attributed with 11 strokes. 18 Total turnover is never statistics you want next to your name as a defender. Sellers will need to reduce this number to help the Gamecocks crime take the next step under Mike Schula.
3) Taking a full command of the crime in the second year
Entering in 2024, sellers met with the media to discuss what he thinks he needs to improve as a Gamecocks defender. Here’s what the young call said: “Something I can do is probably just the smaller things. The basics of that. Stay calm in your pocket.” In 2025, sellers will have a full season to start under his belt and that the foundations must be better and better. Now with the new offensive coordinator Mike Schula in the basket and a very protective talent leaving the door, the sellers will be asked to carry Gamecocks to New Hieghts. If he is able to take control of the crime by checking the line, putting his boys in the right position, reading defenses, etc., South Carolina may have one of the best units in the country in 2025.
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