Miami-Dad authorities have identified three Cuban citizens as responsible countries in a fraudulent scheme operated by a clinic in Hialeahwhere patients were illegally manipulated and fake claims were filed with insurance companies.
The three participants who are now faced with charges of organized fraud, blackmail and car accidents appeared on Wednesday at the Miami-Dad Criminal Court, where they were officially charged.
The detainees are Yisell RojasAt 39, identified as an alleged head of the operation.
Rohas, the owner of the clinic, located on 900 West Street in Hyalea, was arrested on Tuesday during a police operation, which was seen being accompanied by employees while trying to cover up her face.
In addition to the fraud allegations, the Cubans face additional accusations of possession of controlled substances, including cocaine.
Another of the detainees is MachiasA 55-year-old therapist working at the clinic.
Macías played a key role in validating medical treatments derived from simulated accidents, which allowed the filed claims.
When he appeared before the judge, he was accused of organized fraud, a conspiracy for fraud and filed fake claims.
The third defendant is Ivian Nieto Lazo, 37, who was identified by the prosecutor’s office as a key figure in the preparation of forged documents used to support the fraudulent claims sent to insurance companies.
Lazo is faced with accusations similar to those of his accomplices and may be faced with further accusations with the progress of the investigation.
Start of the investigation: a suspicious incident
The first suspicions of the existence of the fraud network came from a road accident, which took place in November last year.
During the investigation of the incident, detectives in Miami-Dad revealed discrepancies in the certificates and documentation provided, raising alarms about the possibility of organized fraud.
As they deepened in this case, investigators revealed a recurring model in the accident reports related to the Hialeah clinic.
The collected evidence He established a direct link between the three defendants and the systematic staging of incidents aimed at fraud of insurance companies.
The collection of evidence allowed the authorities to receive arrest warrants for the suspects.
During the interrogations, the detainees agreed to cooperate with the authorities, which facilitated clarification of the operation and confirmed the existence of the fraud.
The three defendants were able to secure a guarantee that would allow them to face court proceedings while the investigation continues.
However, the prosecution warned that it would continue to collect evidence and It does not exclude the possibility of presenting new accusations against them or identifying other potential persons involved in the criminal network.
Miami-Dad authorities have repeated their commitment to combating this type of fraudulent schemes, emphasizing that they will continue to monitor clinics and medical centers that can participate in such illegal activities.
In the light of the large volume of cases, the authorities in Miami-Dad are running a pilot program to find fraudulent clashes.
According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, one of three suspicious demands for fraud in the county comes from this area of the city, where insurance prices are also significantly higher than in other regions.
In the United States, losses from fraud involving false accidents exceed $ 2 billion a year.