
The woman awaits a sentence after recognizing an attack outside the pub – Irvine Times

The woman awaits a sentence after recognizing an attack outside the pub – Irvine Times

When he returned to Air Sheriff’s court last week, Lia Thomson found guilty of a serious attack and made a second woman fall and hit her head to the ground.

The 22-year-old attacked the victim in front of the smugglers bar on South Harbor Street on June 15, 2022, after conquering his hair, pulling it to the ground and dragging it to the clothes.

Thomson, from Macbeth Road, Stewarton, has repeatedly hit her and then kicked her on the head to his injury.

She also pleaded guilty to a modified accusation of guilty and recklessly pressing a second female applicant who made her fall and hit her head to the ground.

Defense lawyer John Gallagher said that Tomson was currently in a community payment order, which she “committed” and invited the sheriff to postpone a sentence for additional reports.

Sheriff David Young said, “Given the nature, I will continue for the social justice social work reports.”

The guarantee was continued and it will return for a later date.

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