
The Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Producers Association (WPVGA) presents annual awards for the industry – PerishableNews

The Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Producers Association (WPVGA) presents annual awards for the industry – PerishableNews

The Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Producers Association (WPVGA) presents annual awards for the industry – PerishableNews

In addition to its annual induction of the Hall of Fame, the Association of Producers of Potato and Vegetables in Wisconsin (WPVGA) has presented several other annual awards for the industry during a banquet this month at Stevens Point.

The Business Face of the Year Award of the WPVGA Associate Department was awarded to Selenium of the Allied Coop Pest Pros Pros Pros Pros. As a Divisions Manager for Pest Pros, Matt and his team, they consult with over 30 producers per 40,000 acres of potatoes, carrots, corn, soy, cabbage and most other crops grown in the central Sands of Wisconsin. Matt has always done everything he can to treat his clients as their farm is his, which makes the best management solution with the information he has available. In 2024, he was awarded the Prize for Certified Vintage Councilor of the Year and served on the Board of Directors of the Associated Department of the WPVGA of 2021, which is currently president.

Wendy Dickstra was declared volunteer of the year WPVGA. Wendi is Chief Operating Officer at Alsum Farms & Produce, Inc., FRIESLAND, for five decades of strong producer and potato sender, re -packing onions and wholesale distributor on a full line of production. For over 14 years, she has worked in many aspects of business, from farm strategy and operations to accounting and logistics. Wendy is a catalyst for growth at the farm company, packaging facility and logistics of his family. Alsum Farms grows 3000 acres of certified potatoes from WisConsin Healthy Grown®, along with pumpkins, in arena and Adams.

Wendy serves as a cashier on the Board of Directors of WPVGA and is a member of the Promotion Committee. She also serves the US Potato Council and is a member of the Executive Committee that serves the Finance and Policy Committee. Wendy serves on the board of the Foundation for the Leadership, Education and Progress of Potatoes (Potato Lisks) and has served in the Committee on Finance and Commercial Affairs of the National Potato Council Council. The 2015 WPVGA President Award and the Young Manufacturers of the Year Award in 2022.

This year’s Young Manufacturer of the Year Award WPVGA went Charlie MatekSixth -generation potato producer at JW Mattek & Sons, Inc. Seed Potato Farm in Deerbrook. Charlie, who studied Agribusiness at Fox Valley Technical College and welding at North Central Technical College, has served for six years on the Board of Directors of WPVGA, including as president in 2024. He also served on the Council to improve Wisconsin potato seeds, including a year as president.

As an outgoing president on board WPVGA, Matek presented his wife’s president award, Kelly MatekWith gratitude for her support, guidance and love.

The WPVGA Year Researcher Award was awarded to Jed KolkunProfessor and Extension Specialist at the University of Wisconsin (UW) -Madison and Integrated Pest Management Director (IPM). JED’s work focuses on integrated weed management strategies in the production of commercial fruits and vegetables, which are practical, while minimizing the contribution and protecting the environment. His studies in reduced risk herbicides, alternative weed management strategies and pesticide movement are distributed to producers through innovative propaganda programs. JED has been awarded 158 grants, has published over 60 reviewed articles and books and gave over 650 presentations. He has played a long -standing advisory role for the Healthy Potato Program and served with potato producers and crop consultants at the Department of Technical Advisory Committee on groundwater quality.

Jet He received the Aro-Communication Award for high communication and exclusive service of the potato and vegetable industry. Jeb says he is a biologist of a duck who has worked at the Crane International Foundation (IFC) during the bigger part of his career and has spent much of that time working with agricultural communities or other species of private landowners to We improve the guidance that can improve us all better. Whether he studies waterfowl while working at IFC or working with potato producers, he realizes that manufacturers, landowners and environmentalists want to be good governors on Earth.

Jeb works with the Healthy Grown program almost since its inception, and this project embodies the process of turning into a better manager for all of us. “Meeting a healthy growing standard for managing your own farm is a challenge,” Jeb says. “Healthy grown producers allow me to light their prairies, savannas and wet areas of fire – a signed fire that prevents fire damage, stores carbon in the soil, increases groundwater recharge, cleanses the water, uses the pollinators, and this restores species that otherwise They would decrease. “Jeb says it is an honor to work with healthy grown manufacturers and WPVGA employees during these four decades, and he is looking forward to seeing what they can do further.

A special industry evaluation award went to Paul SitmaHANCOCK (HARS) farm farm manager, whose responsibilities include cultural management and research in Hars, which consists of 412 acres in the central sands. The focus on the research station is on irrigated potato research and the processing of vegetables, and Paul works closely with many UW-Madison professors and professionals in the private industry to make sure that their research and manufacturing purposes are fulfilled. It controls the staff performing daily operations on the farm and ensures that the field conditions are as even as possible to conduct research. During any year, HARS has 140 or more research projects with different management requirements for the station. Paul, who has also served in the Food + Farm Study Exploring Center, says he is grateful for his family’s influence and all the people he has worked with in HARS and elsewhere over the years.

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