
The Waterman Avenue project and 210 San Bernardino highway aims to facilitate traffic – a company press

The Waterman Avenue project and 210 San Bernardino highway aims to facilitate traffic – a company press

Avenue Waterman in the northern part of San Bernardino is expected to see improvements to the lane of the highway 210 to November.

The $ 9.8 million project, which began construction in January, seems to be reducing the congestion of Avenue Waterman, which is becoming a highway 18, a key route in San Bernardino Mountain.

High traffic at the output of Waterman’s 210 highway has led to backup drivers in this area, according to a report on the transport of San Bernardino County.

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The project financing comes from the measure I of San Bernardino County, a half-cent sales measure adopted in 1989 and later renewed in 2004 for transport projects, together with state dollars.

The project involves the east extension in the ramp from one to two strips and the addition of a second turn left in any direction of Avenue Waterman near the highway, the newspaper said.

Several people have said they are glad to hear about the improvements announced in San Bernardino Instagram.

Zulima Reyes commented, “Good, she gets crowded and has a place to expand.”

San Bernardino has partnered with the transport body of San Bernardino County on the project.

During construction Avenue Waterman will remain open, But the tapes will be closed periodically so crews can work.

Random closures will also happen to the east of Ram to the 210 highway, with planned drivers to redirect deviation to Avenue del Rosa, the newspaper said.

“The 210 – Waterman Avenue highway exchange project is a progress and an opportunity for San Bernardino,” San Bernardino Mayor Helen Tran said in a message.

For updates on the project, click here.

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