
The star of Marlin Coast Rangers breaks the 30 -year record – The Cairns Post

The star of Marlin Coast Rangers breaks the 30 -year record – The Cairns Post

To use this website, cookies must be activated in your browser. To activate cookies, follow the instructions for your browser below.

Facebook app: Open Links in Outward Browser
There is a specific problem with the Facebook in-PP browser to periodically make requests to the cookies without cookies that have previously been set. This seems to be a defect in the browser that needs to be discussed soon. The simplest approach to avoid this problem is to continue using the Facebook app, but not to use the browser in the app.

This can be done through the following steps:
1. Open the settings menu by clicking the Hamburger menu in the upper right corner
2. Select “App Settings” from the menu
3. Include the “Links Option Out Externally” (this will use the default device for the device)

Activate cookies in Internet Explorer 7, 8 and 9
1. Open the Internet browser
2. Click Tools> Internet Options> Privacy> Extended
3. Check the cancellation of automatic cookies processing
4. For first -sided cookies and third -party cookies, click accept
5. Click OK and OK

Activate cookies in Firefox
1. Open the Firefox browser
2. Click Tools> Options> Confidentiality> Use Personalized History Settings
3. Check the reception of cookies from sites
4. Check the reception of third -party cookies
5. Select Save up to: They Expire
6. Click OK

Enable Cookies on Google Chrome
1. Open the Google Chrome browser
2. Click Tools> Options> Privacy Options> Under the Cover> Content Settings
3. Check the permission of local data
4. Remove a third -party block of cookies from setting
5. Remove the clear cookies
6. Close all

Activation of cookies in mobile safari (iPhone, iPad)
1. Go to the home screen by pressing the start button or by unlocking the phone/iPad
2. Select the setting icon.
3. Select Safari from the Settings menu.
4. Select “accept cookies” from the Safari menu.
5. Choose “from the visited” from the menu accepting cookies.
6. Press the Home button to return the home screen to the iPhone.
7. Select the Safari icon to return to Safari.
8. Before the cookie settings change, Safari must be restarted. To restart the Safari, press and hold the start button (in about five seconds) while the iPhone/iPad displays it up empty and the home screen appears.
9. Select the Safari icon to return to Safari.

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