
The runway at the Airport in Scottsdale closed after Jet’s crash at landing, 1 Dead –

The runway at the Airport in Scottsdale closed after Jet’s crash at landing, 1 Dead –

The track was closed on Monday afternoon after a jet collided with another. One person died in the collision.

Scottsdale, Ariz. “At least one person is dead after a reactive clash, said on Monday afternoon at the city airport in Scottsdale.

The crash has closed the track and firefighters are currently responding to the situation, airport officials said.

Versión en Español: UNA PERSONA MUERE TRAS CHOQUE en el aeropuerto de scottsdale

According to the FAA, Learjet 35a diverted from the track after landing and crashed into a business aircraft on the Gulfstream 200 ramp around 2:45 pm. It is not yet clear how many people were on board Jets.

The Scottsdale Fire Department said many people were taken to the hospital and one of them was “dead on their arrival.” Another three suffered injuries, and two of these individuals were taken to traumatic centers.

Another person was extracted from an airplane, Scottsdale said a fire.

“On Behalf of the City of Scottsdale, We Offer Deepest Condolences to Those Involved in the Accident and For Those Who Hay Aur Trauma Center for Treatment. Cottsdale Mayor Lisa Borovski said in a statement on Monday.

This is a development history and more information will be published as it becomes available.

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