
The outbreak of measles in West Texas continues to see new cases – news/conversations 790 kfyo

The outbreak of measles in West Texas continues to see new cases – news/conversations 790 kfyo

The outbreak of measles in Western Texas continues to grow in number and UMC sends a medical bus to help deal with tests with increasing the number.

According to the latest numbers reported outside Gaines, there are at least 15 confirmed measles cases. Most cases are related to children, but the South Plains public health area reports that there are now several cases of adults that have been confirmed. The South Plains health area also reports that all cases are associated with non -vags.

On Monday, it was announced that UMC to Lubbock sends UMC Ambus to Gaines County to help with measles test. The bus is located in the area of ​​Seminole Hospital.

Those in Gaines County can stop UMC Ambus and go up or drive up and be there to test. The samples will be sent to Austin for testing. Measles is highly infected and those not vaccinated are at increased risk of infection with the virus.

What are the symptoms of measles?

Symptoms appear 7 to 21 days after contact with the virus and may include:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Liquid nose
  • Red, watery eyes
  • 2-3 days after the onset of symptoms, small white spots (koplik spots) may appear inside the mouth.
  • 3-5 days after the symptoms begin, a rash that looks flat and red can appear on the face and hair. This rash tends to spread down to the neck, trunk, arms, legs and legs.

When should anyone take care of an emergency?

  • High fever (over 103 ° F).
  • Severe cough or difficulty breathing.
  • Signs of severe complications such as seizures, confusion or exceptional fatigue/weakness.
  • Dehydration

For those who have questions, contact your medical provider or call Lubbock Public Health on 806-775-2933.

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