
The “Little House of the Prairie” restarts – maybe Melissa Gilbert will re -apply to the West – New York Post

The “Little House of the Prairie” restarts – maybe Melissa Gilbert will re -apply to the West – New York Post

It’s time for dos and no

Not all are the same. Check your fingers. Different sizes, different shapes.

Our manufacturer is endless. We are endless – thick, tall, dumb, smart, some talk through spitting like Bernie Sanders – some by selling their country as Menendes.

One day – you are everything. Then our manufacturer’s finger is pinched – and for some reason you are suddenly nothing. The rent is increased, the system is reduced, the homework needs repair, the plumber does not receive your check.

So what happens to someone who suddenly becomes no one?

First, discard your mobile phone because no one calls.

Find a second -hand or used bookstore.

Cancel the subscription to your magazine. Only a peeled dog is interested in this.

Try the crossword that you couldn’t do last month.

Call this plumber.

Forget about picking up a party for cleaning products.

A movie? It’s great to see another Gable movie in Clark.

Proactive obligations

Try exercising. Maybe this right knee can be bent again.

Remember that you are all – and try to arrange a meeting with a doctor.

Visit the kitchen. Do you have anything better to do?

Think of a walk. A short walk. A very short walk.

Call your other friend.

Remember that you really don’t even like your other friend.

Choose a battle with your plumber.

Rearrange the drawer where your monopoly kits have fallen.

Try to do something constructive – which you cannot – if you could still work.

Call the plumber again.

Play solitaire. Cheat. Who will know?

Ride the old photos of Nancy Pelosi. There is no quick rule behind it. It’s just a good idea.

Hustle Real Estate. Everyone does it.

Forget about expecting a full cup of coffee when you order Latte Starbucks.

Forget about looking for parking space.

Forget to try to get the home artist to fill this place he missed.

And make the crossword – on Monday.

Send a thank you note for this Christmas gift that you have returned.

Of hope and “prairia”

And more than 50 years since its NBC premiere, Little House on the Prairie has restarted as a new Netflix series – set up. If you missed it the first 11 times. (There is no word for Melissa Gilbert to branch again west as little Laura Ingles Wilder.)

It is not known whether Melissa Gilbert will repress her role in the Netflix series.
It is not known whether Melissa Gilbert will repress her role in the Netflix series. Instagram/@OfficialModernprairie

Take this broken bracelet to be fixed. Why? Why not. What else do you have to do?

And again, promise Dwight D. Eisenhower’s allegiance. Or his heirs. Listen, it’s never too late.

And hit those gray hairs that appear. They don’t look great when they meet a new CEO.

Find another plumber.

Call your dentist. Stay friendly. You may not need it now – but you never know.

And don’t wake Jim Acosta.

Only in New York, children, only in New York.

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