
The last four monkeys are back to Monkey Farm in South Carolina – Voa Learning in English

The last four monkeys are back to Monkey Farm in South Carolina – Voa Learning in English

South Carolina officials in South Carolina have seized the last of 43 monkeys who fled a farm that raises monkeys in early November.

Alpha Genesis Research Center CEO Greg Vestergaard said the final four seized monkeys seemed to be in good health. The other monkeys had spent weeks in the forest and even had a rare snowstorm.

Alpha Genesis is a company that offers services to biomedical researchers. Some locals call it “The Farm of Monkeys.” Animals – all female macaque rhesus – escaped from the site of the company on November 6th.

Police investigating the incident said the monkeys escaped when an employee did not fully provide his enclosure. Westergaard explained in November that workers should lock one gate Before you open another, but all three gates remained uncertain.

Alpha Genesis employees tried to persuade the monkeys to return with special food offers. These include peanut butter and sandwiches with jelly and “Monkey biscuits“A high protein-made food made specifically for rhesus reels.

Alpha Genesis employees followed the monkeys and went humanely traps. Most of the animals came back to eat food.

Most of the monkeys didn’t go far. The animals are the size of a cat, weighs about 3 pounds. Monkeys never pose a risk to public health, police and federal health officials have said. During the time they were free, the area received its first snow from seven years, up to 8 centimeters in size.

Alpha Genesis is raising monkeys to sell to medical laboratories and other researchers. People have been using monkeys for research from the late 1800s. Scientists believe that rhesus macaque and people are separated from a common ancestor about 25 million years ago and share about 93 percent of the same DNA.

I’m Jill Robins.

This story was reported by the staff of the Associated Press. Jill Robins adapted him to study English.


Words in this story

lock n A device that protects something (such as a door, window or box) from opening and this is usually open using a key

gatendS place in a wall or fence that has a movable part that can open or close as a door

biscuit – n. a small, light roll that is eaten as part of a meal

humanelyadjS kind or gentle for humans or animals

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