
The Las Vegas man sentenced to nearly 22 years for attracting explicit photos by the 8-year-old Texas-CBS News girl

The Las Vegas man sentenced to nearly 22 years for attracting explicit photos by the 8-year-old Texas-CBS News girl

CBS News Texas


North Texas – A man from Las Vegas has been sentenced to more than 21 years in the federal prison for attracting sexually explicit photos by an 8-year-old girl online, employees said on Monday.

(Getty Images)

The 24 -year -old Geovani Davila Cissens was charged in January 2024 and pleaded guilty to luring a child in April 2024, according to Chad Meachham, an acting US prosecutor in the North Texas district.

US District Judge Reed K. O’Connor handed Cisneros 262-month sentence, followed by 25 years of supervisory release. Cisneros also has to register as a sexual criminal, Meacham said in a news message.

Cisneros acknowledged that he was using text messages and social media to communicate with the girl, telling her that she had a nice body and asked her to send sexually explicit pictures.

The investigation was conducted by the Field Office of the US Secret Service in Dallas, the Texas Department of Special Investigations of Texas, the Las Vegas Field Service in Las Vegas and Las Vegas police crimes against children.

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