Although immigration is a federal problem, Desantis is ignited around doing, as it answers. And he wants government MPs to play together.

Home speaker Danny Perez supplies a stunning rebuke to the landing
Florida’s legislation applied the special session to the governor and created its own, only focused on immigration.
If this week state legislators have to be in Talahasi for a special session called by the governor, I have some suggestions on how to make their time useful.
For starters, they did the right thing by ignoring the wishes of the government Ron Roanis, who desperately tried to come up with a role in plans for Donald Trump’s “Mass Deportation”.
Although immigration is a federal problem, Desantis is ignited around doing, as it answers. And he wants government MPs to play together.
He wants the authorities to stop local employees who do not participate and support federal deported repression. He wants to reclassify the illegal entry into this country as a state crime.
And he wants to require people to connect money in other countries to show first identification that shows their immigration status.
The legislators in his own party have called for his efforts prematurely and want him to wait for a regularly planned session in March. They plan to use the week that devises proposed legislation.
This is a nice way to say, “Get away, junior.”
I would like to see Florida’s legislation using this time to adopt some meaningful legislation now that we entered the period of mass deportations. Something can certainly be done now when ice agents attack jobs and extract construction workers, farms, linear cooks, landscapes, home remedies and more.
Here are some accounts I offer for this special session:
Name: Freedom Freedom Act of 2025
Goal: This state plan teaches documented Florida citizens in the right way to choose peppers, harvesting a cane and attracting crops before rotting in the field.
Patriot Pickers receive free bus transport to and from the fields and a five -minute water break every four hours, whether they need it or not.
Participants sign refusals that release the landowner from any guilt in the event that workers throw their back, experience injury related to sun or mental distress.
Name: The Florida Maid Initiative
Aim: To learn the basic skills of the Floridians’ household, while providing them for the emergency deployment of tourist hotels facing a critical shortage of labor.
Florida documented citizens participating in the program receive a course during the week at the Hospitality Hotel. They learn to clean the toilets, undress and make up beds and clean mysterious spots on the carpet.
These patriotic floridians then increase, if necessary, by the governor as part of his clean cleaning reaction to cope with the creation of deportation created in the workforce of the state sector of critical hospitality.
After training, these Poop troops receive the prestigious designation of Maga Maid, which allows them to be honored with other Florida characters during a very special hanature.
Name: The Fund for Clean Plates
Goal: To provide service washing services from documented Floridians to restaurants attached to employees after so many of their former workers have disappeared due to updated deportation efforts.
Restaurants that are lacking in dishwashers can apply for money from the fund to send documented floridics for washing dishes for the restaurant. Also, evenings can get 20 percent discounts on their evenings if they enter the restaurant’s kitchen after their meals and wash their own dishes.
Attention: Restaurants should not expect these replacement workers to work as hard as those you have lost. A good ratio of the rule is three American civil machines for each Haitian and/or Guatemalan you have lost.
Name: Let’s get to the grandmother’s bed Initiative
Goal: The Floridians can celebrate the mass deportation of underdeveloped workers around us by taking care of their old relatives.
Do you know how to change the sheets in bed with the person still lying in it? You will learn in this exciting new program governed by the state.
Name: The Holiday Home Mast Holidays Holiday Sales
Goal: This is similar to the sales holiday that the state has in August for items from return to school.
The Hair of Your Own Mustle holiday will help you break down the cost of all lawn mowers, trimmers for edges, fans for leaves and other yard maintenance equipment that you will need now that your longtime gardener is sent and legal gardener are stretched too thin.
The Floridians will finally experience the joys of a 12-month-old growing season and his demands for trimming, trimming and mowing.
Name: The Law “One nail at one”
Goal: Have you ever wondered what it would be to reshape your own bathroom or kitchen, repair your own roof leak, or even build a new house from scratch?
Well, now you can remember that. With construction trade workers, discouraged by mass deportations, you can now experience the joys of home construction.
And to make it more enjoyable, Florida will stop all the checks and compliance with the code of your creations.
This is not a collapse on the wall, this is the sound of freedom.
Frank Kerabino is a news column with Palm Beach Post, which is part of the USA Today network.