Krivitz, WBay – usually has a lot more snow at this time of year and without it bars and restaurants in the Krivitz region have a decline in pedestrian traffic as they rely on it for winter activities clients.
At this time of year, Dan & Tim’s Riverside Bar in Krivitz visits many more people than it is now, as snow plays a huge role in tourism in the city.
“Until it accumulates the snow to open motorcycle paths, we see a sharp decline in traffic everywhere,” said Luke Johnson.
Luke is one of the bartenders in Dan and Tim and says you usually see large groups of people from different states who come to drive motor sleds, rent a cabin and finish the day with a drink.
With the lack of snow we get, even places like Gateway Bar & Grill say they have noticed at least 50% of customers this season.
Workers also do almost twice as much as tips on a busy winter day, according to Gateway Bar’s Autumn Bushmaker.
“The helmets are everywhere. Jackets lie everywhere. Everyone has a good time. A normal day bartender costs between $ 200 and $ 300. Then, on a good, good Saturday, when motor sleds don’t work, that’s $ 500 to $ 600, “Bushmaker said.
With a population of just over 1000 people and a variety of different places that are waiting for this big snowy day, companies have to show creativity and work together to maintain things.
“We have something like an unofficial current census of where we are and where every other bar is. We remain open seven days a week. We close early on Wednesday. When we close Wednesday afternoon, a bar north of the city here I don’t know will offer wings that you can eat on Wednesday, “Johnson said.
As this year, it is set to be one of the driest and the least snowy January in history, communities, such as the village of Krivitz, hope that Mother Nature works in their favor to resume tourism.
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