He comes after the fierce Dail scenes last month about how the speaking time should be allocated to the four.
In a statement on Monday night, Ceann Comhairle Verona Murphy said he was not happy that the quartet was in opposition and therefore could not recognize them as a technical group.

Efforts to appoint an Irish prime minister two weeks ago were delayed with a day after the opposition violated the proceedings in protest of speaking time.
Of the nine independent, supporting Fianna Fail-Fine Gael, the regional independent group and two brothers Kerry Michael and Danny Hilli-Rai-Denta are state ministers.
Four of the other independent Michael Lowi, Jillian Toul, Barry Hennegan and Danny Hilli-Rai-I want to be part of a technical group that would give them a Dail Speaking Slots during the opposition.
Opposition parties claim that this would allow efforts to report the government.
There were fears of more disturbances on Wednesday when Dail recovered.
The government has proposed a “hybrid” Dail technical group that will allow its members to support the coalition.

In her decision, Ceann Comhairle said she had carefully considered all the legal advice, statements and materials to reach her conclusion.
“I am not pleased that MPs Lowi, Toul, Hennegan and Danny Hilli-Rai are members” in opposition “, as required by a permanent order 170,” she said.
“Therefore, I cannot give the recognition as a technical group of the regional technical group, as is currently drawn up.”
I welcome the statement from Ceann Comhairle tonight and its acceptance of the position indicated by Sinn Féin and the combined opposition – you cannot be in the government and the opposition at the same time.
It was a stroke too far on the back of a rough deal and everyone knows …
– Mary Lou McDonald (@maryloumcdonald) February 3, 2025
Son President Fein Mary-Lou McDonald welcomes this move.
“I welcome the statement from Ceann Comhairle tonight and its acceptance of the position indicated by son Fein and the combined opposition – you cannot be in the government and the opposition at the same time,” she said.
“It was a stroke too far on the back of a rough deal and everyone knows that. Michelle Martin and Simon Harris must accept this position and end their arrogance and bad faith. “
Labor leader Ivana Bacik said it was “a very welcome decision that should come earlier.”
“This avenges the position we held through opposition parties and confirms the conclusions of our labor legal advice,” she said.
Cian O’calaghan from the Social Democrats also welcomed the decision and called on all parties to accept it.
“This is a significant solution and confirms what opposition parties say from the beginning,” he said.
“Government backfielders cannot be masked as members of the opposition in cynical attempt to take advantage of the rights to speak opposition.
“Taking his decision, Ceann Comhairle put a lot of burden behind the words of The Lowry Independents – who publicly stated that they were part of the government. She saw through their delayed attempt to rewrite the story and claims to be in opposition, as was the insolent shame.
“We hope that this will now end this issue and Dail can focus on the many urgent problems facing the country. All parties – government and opposition – must accept this decision. “