
The injured owl discovered in Chesapike, taken by the local conservation organization –

The injured owl discovered in Chesapike, taken by the local conservation organization –

Chesapeake, Washington (wavy) – Owl wound was restored by a deputy sheriff of Chesapik and taken by a local environmental protection organization on Friday.

On Friday morning, animal control employees in Chesapike were sent to a wounded owl report, which was probably hit by a car.

The sheriff’s deputy found and safely transported the owl to the mayoralty and then transferred it to the care of animal control employees.

Chesapeake Animal Services said Lisa Barlow, founder of Rehabilitation of tidal waters and environmental education (Tree), waiting at the shelter when the wounded owl arrived. They said after a thorough assessment, it was found that Barred Owl had only minor injuries.

The owl is currently taking care of the tree until it is considered strong enough to be released.

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