
The clash of Bowman Gray Stadium to exclude roads; Restricted parking options available in Winston -Salem – WGHP Fox8 Greensboro

The clash of Bowman Gray Stadium to exclude roads; Restricted parking options available in Winston -Salem – WGHP Fox8 Greensboro

Winston-Salem, NC (WGHP)-The Cook Out Board in Winston-Salem is only six days old. The historical event will attract thousands of NASCAR fans in the city.

NASCAR and Winston-Salem Police Department want fans of the race to have a parking and route options plan before the event.

“The place will look different and they do not have to make assumptions about where they can pop up and park on MLK or park in someone’s neighborhood yard near Argon,” said Justin Sweling, the project manager of the NASCAR CLASH project.

The NASCAR CUP COOK Out Cook at the Bowman Gray Stadium on February 2 is sold out. There are 17,000 seats at the Bowman Gray stadium.

These people will need a parking space, and parking on a Bowman Gray site is also sold for the race.

“We really want to make sure that,” Suling said. “If you have a ticket you also have a parking plan. So, we worked tirelessly with our city colleagues and all community partners to make sure we have adequate parking or on the spot or outside the Bowman Gray Stadium. “

Street parking outside the Bowman Gray facility will not be allowed. There are two options for parking outside the site of the innovation neighborhood and Allegacy Stadium. Fans will be able to drive a shuttle to and from Bowman Gray Stadium.

“We want to be sure that they are coming to the track and have a great experience and that they do not have to worry about parking, that they already have a plan in advance,” Swilling said.

With thousands of people who come to the city for the clash, there will be some changes to the movement model.

Winston-Salem police plans to hold Martin Luther King Boulevard Open. There will be several temporary road closure in the area.

“There will be an argon boulevard in MLK. We’ll have another Williamson Road, in MLK, and then we’ll have a couple in Argon and Calvert, then Diggs and Bruce, then another from Williamson and Timlic, “said a winner of Winston-Sale Police Dan Battjes.

Police said these neighborhoods were not unknown to the movement brought from the weekly series of racing in the summer. Additional steps are taken to reduce the impact.

“Reaching the community and going from door to door and contacting face to face, contact, building this partnership with the community and letting them know, we are here, we are taking care of you. We take care of you guys, you reach where you need to go. This is the best place to leave this neighborhood. This is the best route to enter and exit this neighborhood, “Batge said.

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Winston-Salem police plans to publish changes to the traffic model for the collision of their social media pages. Visit Winston-Salem has a schedule of events on your NASCAR COOK OUT CLASH EVENTS website. He lists the arrival of Nascar Hauler at Research Parkway will be on Friday morning from 9:00 – 11 am. There will also be a NASCAR fan area on Saturday and Sunday.

Information about the available parking for the event can be found on the NASCAR CLASH website.

The Winston-Salem collision schedule is available on

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