
The advice brands “disrespectful” on the Knadgerhill cemetery after storm – Irvine Times

The advice brands “disrespectful” on the Knadgerhill cemetery after storm – Irvine Times

There have been reports of grieving relatives left in tears as they have failed to gain access to the graves of loved ones due to fallen trees.

And a woman marks the lack of attention to the cemetery as “disrespectful”.

The Council said that other parts of North Irshire need more careful attention after the storm on January 24 – but they were preparing to send a team to the cemetery in Ivin today (Wednesday, February 12).

(Image: contribute) A woman from the Casasle who lives near the cemetery said: “We went out to arrange as much as we could, but there are many trees that have come down.

“The couple told me they were ready over the weekend and found a man in pieces because he couldn’t reach his wife’s grave to lie flowers because it was blocked.

“It’s just so disrespectful.”

She added: “My son -in -law called the advice to understand what they were doing and they told me that it would not be arranged until spring. But there are debris everywhere. I think people would be shocked by his condition.

“We collected three garbage bags yesterday. Much of it is made up of artificial flowers that were strewn during the storm, but on the other side of Knadgerhill, there are many trees that have come down, blocking access.

(Image: contribute) “It’s a cemetery, not just a park. These are people’s loved ones.

“We used to complain about the condition of the cemetery and when we do it, they come for arranged … then nothing else happens.

“The Council must act now. And they should receive a suitable support program for Knadgerhill. ”

Complaints of lack of maintenance at Knadgerhill arose last year when a resident said the condition of the cemetery was “the ultimate disrespect for the dead”.

Read more: The residents of Irvine claim that the Knadgerhill cemetery is in a “shameful state”

A spokesman for the Northern Irshire Council said: “We are aware that problems involving cemeteries can, of course, can be very emotional and we have made every effort to be present at the first opportunity.

“Since the trees were already down and did not block the entrance, a danger to road users or damage to the property, it was considered that the risk level was less than in some other areas due to the Eowyn storm.

“Our arbors have scheduled works for the cemetery today.

“The general maintenance of the cemetery continues to be delivered and will be scheduled for cleaning when our arbors have completed their works.”

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