
Texas water infrastructure in need of major updates; Plans are presented – FOX 29

Texas water infrastructure in need of major updates; Plans are presented – FOX 29

San Antonio – Water is such a decisive resource, but the Texas water infrastructure needs major overhaul or can cost the state.

“We are looking at hundreds of millions of economic damage,” says Jeremy Mazur, Director of Infrastructure and Natural Resources Policy with Texas 2036. Texas 2036 is a non-imparty organization that builds long-term, driven strategies to ensure the prosperity of Texas through his two-year annually in 2036 and after.

“Our northern star is to make Texas the best place to live and work,” says Mazur. For this to happen, water infrastructure is key.

“Texas has to spend about $ 154 billion over the next 50 years on new water supply and fixing aging in deterioration of drinking water and wastewater systems,” says Mazur. “New tanks, desalination, storage and restoration of aquifers and even recycling and re -use of water that will work to expand the necessary water supply portfolio, which will make us more resistant to future sushi and prepare us for the sushi and prepare us for future sushi Future population and economic growth, “says Mazur.

Texas 2036 works directly with the Texas Legislative Authority to obtain these projects funded in the 2025 session. San Antonio is a leader along the way.

“I have always found San Antonio for the state, if not the leader of the nation in giving a great example in what needs to be done to diversify a portfolio for water supply,” says Mazur.

We talked to the San Antonio Water System (Saws) to find out what they were doing.

“We used to have a water supply, which was Edwards’ aquifer. We have now developed 13 water projects from seven different sources,” says Donovan Burton, Senior Vice President of Water Resources and Relationships with the Saws Government.

Burton says that because of this, their conservation and recycled water programs lead the nation.

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