Ron Desantis is a convex, white assembly of shoes, retention of breathing-blue, screaming — crazy-insane.
He is a young child, Elmer Fudd Crazy: Like, Vewy, Vewy Angwy.
Florida’s legislation has denied it; reject it; They offended him.
They appeared for the special session he requested, fell out, fell, and announced his own special session.
Then they ruined his hateful bill on immigration and passed their own, infinitely less hated, an immigration bill.
Fighting slaps is included.
Desantis called the law of the legislature “without teeth”, “grotesque” and “weak, weak, weak.”
The legislature, delayed, remembering that they were a sort of government branch, directed their internal bugs bunnies and declared: “Of course, you realize that it means war!”

Chamber of Chamber, Daniel Perez and Senate President Ben Albrite, called the Rental “Rent” “a clear lie and accused him of harassment.
Plus, he wouldn’t return their phone calls.
The governor’s bill would have committed a state crime for the underdeveloped border of Florida, although some of them will seek legal refuge and most are not in any way of the imagination, criminals.
The bill would force the Western Union, MoneyGram and the like to the police of the citizenship of anyone trying to send money abroad.
If any miserable cop failed to be “difficult” enough for the alleged “illegals”, the landing would be arrested a cop.
See, Zanthis is the hero of his bill, the sheriff valiantly saves White America from the invading horde – including the man who mows your lawn.
And what if this person ends in a stateless citizenship separated from his family or back to a country where he is likely to be killed?
It’s not like he’s American.
A pipper from you
The landings insist that he is the one who has to double and triple the policies of the Gestapo-Safers, which are thrown out of the oval office: he is the most cumbersome! He wakes up every morning, feeling the most cumbersome!
But Florida’s legislation, knowing Narana Suprema de Mar-A-Lago, best answers shameless flattery, called Dad to ask what he wanted in the bill and called it “coping and reforming the illegal migration policy law:” Trump.
Sicophany is not the same as cunning.
But never be afraid: it is not like the legislature to suddenly find empathy. Their bill is almost as inhuman as a landing.
He disperses the money transfer part and the COP arrested, but takes up training in the country for dreamers-you do not want to train young people who have been brought to the United States as young children.
Allow them to mow lawns and choose tomatoes and place a dry wall!
Oh, wait: we get rid of the people who do these jobs.
Senator Randy Finn claims he will “save” the country of $ 45 million.
No. The state does not pay the training of these students. They pay it like any other student in Florida.
Fine is not interested in: his specialty is performative hatred and blue ribbon Trump, qualities that are about to choose it at the US Congress of the 6th County.
On the day of the April fools, no less.
The main difference between the bills is that legislators do not make the governor emperor of immigration as he wants.
Instead, he sets out a Wilton Earl Simpson, a commissioner of agriculture.
This is a calculated slap on the top of the Governor’s Head.
Pulling like an angry prayer rat, a landing, published on the Caricature Channel of Elon Musk (also known as X), “Wilton Simpson voted to give driving licenses and state training to the illegals. He even refused to oppose the permission of illegals to practice right in Florida. Do we want the fox to keep the hen? “
Wilton Simpson is a chicken farmer.
Simpson pulled away, “I’m not the one who opposed and confronted President Trump.”
Simpson added that “Rutant’s routine attacks against farmers do not sit well here in Florida – and obviously not with people across the country.”
Torch songs
Democratic MPs allowed themselves a rare moment for Schadenfreude mixed with music.
During a meeting in Capitol, the leader of home minorities Fentrice Driskell played “someone I knew” by Goyte, calling him a great song.
This goes: “From time to time, I think of all time when you fucked me/but made me believe I always did something.”
Republicans in Florida are not known for brain power, but they seem to be aware that Ron Roanis is increasingly unintended – even irrelevant.
Donald Trump doesn’t like him.
Come 2026, he is out of work.
Legislators don’t need to suck him more.
He may run for the US Senate against former Florida Ag Ashley Moody, the woman he has appointed to fill the place of the Secretary of State Marco Rubio.
He may run for president in 2028, although the nation looked at him well in 2024 and the nation said, “Oh, damn it!”
Whatever His Future, These Days Desantis Is Becoming Shrill, Declaring He’ll Veto The Legislature’s Bill, Flying Around The State You have Your marching orders. “
Any politician who dared to subjugate him will face the main opponent more to like the governor, bankrupt by Florida Freeda Freeda in Florida of Tannis.
And more! He has just not yet decided what other horrifying revenge will break.
The landing is Yosemite without rural charm- the same absurd fantasies about freeing yourself from annoying lows, preventing his candidacy from returning to the good graces of Donald Trump, the same inability to understand how: “Don’t rush me, I am thinking! And my head hurts. “