
Tallahassee Hunter, who shoots a rare swan, refuses a hunting license – WCTV

Tallahassee Hunter, who shoots a rare swan, refuses a hunting license – WCTV

Tallahasee, Florida (WCTV) – a man from Talahassi, accused of shooting and killing a rare swan at Jackson Lake last year, will be banned from hunting in Florida for the rest of his life.

Fish and wildlife staff in Florida find the dead swan of tundra in Hunter's kayak.
Fish and wildlife staff in Florida find the dead swan of tundra in Hunter’s kayak.(Eliza Hawkins)

The hunter, who was confronted with two offenses to violate the Migration Agreement Act, went on a legal basis on Tuesday. He was accused of shooting a protective swan and did not have a duck’s current stamp.

Prosecutor John Fuchs says that the hunter was sentenced to six months of probation, convicted of taking away his lifelong licenses and paying a $ 1,500 -dollar fine in Florida, which plans to create a display for a display for To train people for the rare swan.

The hunter’s lawyer declined to comment on the legal basis and the sentence.

Hunter raises tundra swans on his kayak.
Hunter raises tundra swans on his kayak.(Eliza Hawkins)

Birdwatchers watched with horror last January when the hunter shoots and killed a lion from tundra while swimming with his half.

Several bird observers had gathered ashore to see and shoot the swans after receiving a rare observation the previous day.

Julie DeGrumond with the Auduban Appalache Society was one of them.

“I am happy that this chapter is closed and I can continue,” she told the legal basis for this week. “In the end, I don’t know if there will be a penalty that I would really enjoy, but at the end of the day I am pleased with what the decision was.”

DEGRUMMOND says the fact that Tundra’s swans mates themselves for life made it a double painful, as the half continued to return to Lake Jackson to look for her partner.

A pair of swans on Tundra in Lake Jackson, just minutes before he was shot and killed by a hunter.
A pair of swans on Tundra in Lake Jackson, just minutes before he was shot and killed by a hunter.(Eliza Hawkins)

She hopes all this, people have learned something about Tundra’s swans and are more sensitive to the importance of wildlife protection and preserving their habitats.

DEGRUMMOND also hopes to serve as waking up hunters.

“Study and make sure you know what it is to hunt and follow the laws. They are there for a reason, ”she said.

Initially, the hunter told FWC employees that he thought he had killed a snow goose that day, not a swan of Tundra.

A FWC spokesman told WCTV that in the last 25 years there were only two other Tundra Swan observations in the Talahassi area, according to Ebird.

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