
Tallahasesee’s lawyer deals with the process problems due as the speed cameras are activated in some school areas – WCTV

Tallahasesee’s lawyer deals with the process problems due as the speed cameras are activated in some school areas – WCTV

Tallahasee, Florida (WCTV) – as speed cameras in the school zones are activated in the capital, the local criminal protection lawyer, Don Pomfrey, is doubtful that the new traffic chambers will be held to a court challenge.

He said almost everyone agreed that school safety was a top priority, but also said the police should follow a proper process. According to him, the problem arises when infraction is sent to the owner of the vehicle, regardless of who is driving.

This means that if someone has released their car to someone and has received a violation, the car owner will be responsible for paying the ticket.

“So it saves money for law enforcement authorities while applying school areas,” Pomfrey said. “I think this is a nightmare for a proper process. I don’t think you have loaded someone else to find who works with a motor vehicle. “


Reading the Statute, Pomfrey said the owner could sign a declaration saying to the police, which actually drives. He said it was equivalent to “reducing someone” and this puts the burden to investigate the owner, not the police.

Talahai Police Department spokesman Lieutenant Damon Miller said TPD has heard of these problems with the processes due, but they follow the law set by Florida’s legislation.

Miller noted that an TPD employee would come to court to challenge the violation, but police did not monitor the camera 24/7.

Set up to Eywitness News at 5pm and 6pm for the full history. This article will also be updated tonight with all the details.

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