
Suspect of Murder in Miami arrested in Houston 3 days after a deadly shooting, say MPs – KHOU.COM

Suspect of Murder in Miami arrested in Houston 3 days after a deadly shooting, say MPs – KHOU.COM

Elijah Clark is accused of shooting and killing her girlfriend Della Ruiz during a dispute over money.

Hawston-19-year-old man who is believed to have killed his girlfriend in Miami last weekend was taken on a guard three days after the deadly shooting and more than 1000 miles.

According to Miami-Dad’s sheriff office, Delila Ruiz was found dead in her Hialeah house on Saturday around 20:00

Investigators said Ruiz was home when her friend Elijah Clark appeared and began to argue for money.

During the dispute, Clark pulled out a gun and shot Ruiz, the investigators said. Ruiz was taken to a regional hospital, where she was later declared dead.

Clark’s friend rejected it from the scene, the MPs said. The driver of the vehicle Christopher Valdez was arrested the next day, but Clark was not with him.

On Tuesday, Clark was arrested in Houston. Two people who were with him, Rafael Thorraalka and Angelina Valedor, were also removed and accused of difficulty and pursuing a case, according to MDSO.

It is unclear what fees Clark and Valdes will encounter.

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