
Survey: Texas support proof of citizenship for voting –

Survey: Texas support proof of citizenship for voting –

A new study reveals the views of Texas about the 2024 elections, the proposed reforms and others. He showed strong support for proof of citizenship for prohibitions on voting and lobbying.

Hawston – a new study at the Hobby Hobby School at Houston University has revealed strong support among Texas voters for reforms and measures to administration to key elections to increase government transparency.

The poll pointed that the texas are largely pleased with how the 2024 elections are held in their local cities and the state as a whole, but are impatient for reforms, requiring proof of citizenship for the registration of voters and banning lobbying, funded by taxpayers from local authorities.

This is one of the six reports that the Hobby School launched the problems of Texas legislation in 2025. The last survey will be at the US Major Senate in 2026. Click the links above to read about the already published published reports.

Main suggestions for election reform acquire grip

The study examined the support for a number of proposed elections and government reforms. Several proposals have received enormous support from Texas throughout the political spectrum:

  • Proof of citizenship: Huge 86%of Texas legislation supports legislation requiring evidence for citizenship to register in order to vote, with strong support from both Republicans (94%) and Democrats (78%).
  • Lobbying Prohibition: 83%of Texas prefer the ban on local organizations from using public hiring funds, again with strong two -party support (Republicans 86%, Democrats 80%).
  • Independent redistribution: 77%of Texas support the establishment of an independent committee on redistribution to attract legislative areas, such as Democrats (80%) and Republicans (74%) share similar support.
  • Party litigation: 77% of Texas, including 79% of Republicans and 75% of Democrats, support the replacement of guerrilla judicial elections with a non -party selection process.

Other suggestions, such as online registration of voters and allowing indifferent voting for all Texas, also gained considerable support, although with larger guerrilla sections. 70% of Texas support the registration of online voters, including 86% of Democrats, but only 57% of Republicans. In the same way, 65% of Texas support voting without absence, with 82% of Democrats beneficial in comparison with only 45% of Republicans.

Satisfaction with the 2024 election administration.

The study found that the majority of Texas believe the 2024 elections were well managed. Specifically:

  • 62% said the election in their district were managed “very well”.
  • 56% felt the same about elections across the country.
  • 47% believe the elections are being held “very well” at national level.

However, significant guerrilla sections appeared in the assessment of the election administration. Republicans were much more frequent than Democrats to believe that the elections were managed and administered very well in their county (74% versus 53%) and in Texas (73% versus 39%).

Trust in the government and the direction of the state

The study also touched on the overall confidence of Texas in government institutions. The results show a general lack of confidence:

Less than one in three Texas, trust the federal government (19%), the State Government of Texas (31%) and their counties (32%), urban (32%) and ISD (31%) governments to make This time.

However, the greater part of the Texas (54%) believe that things in Texas are directed in the right direction, while only 39% feel the same for the United States as a whole. There is a large division on this issue, with 76% of Republicans believes that Texas is directed in the right direction compared to only 36% of Democrats.

  • 56% of Texas have a favorable opinion about the Governor of Texas Greg Abat (31% very favorable).
  • 55% of Texas have a favorable opinion about President Donald Trump (38% very favorable).
  • 53% of Texas have a favorable opinion about Elon Musk (26% very favorable).


The data was obtained from an online survey of 1200 adults in Texas, conducted between January 13-21, 2025 by The Hobby School of Public Relations at the University of Houston. The study, conducted in both English and Spanish, used a Yougov panel and was weighed to reflect the demographic composition of the elderly population of Texas. The overall sample error margin is +/- 2.83%.

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