Two comic book fans pushing literacy with fun reading

Inside the comic book collection at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Museum
Jenny Rob, the chief curator of comics and animation art, leads a tour of the Billy Ireland Cartoon Museum in Columbus and shows us some of her favorite.
Barbara J. Perenic, Columbus Dispatcher
Clyde – Explosion! Pow! Kaboom! In the Dark Dentals of an old tire recurrent factory, he meets two extraordinary minds created a super team at the Clyde Library, pressing literacy with a comic book reading club.
Scott Mills, Jr., adult and teen librarians at the Clayde Library, joined the strength with Chris Rup, the owner of the RUP comics in Fremont.
“What I wanted to present is a new way to help teenagers read,” Mills said. “It is sometimes difficult to make them enter and take books and include them in extracurricular activities. I thought, what better way to give them an easy reading, put them in the library and check some comics? “
The library has had graphic novels for many years, but now has a trunk with the latest monthly editions of favorite titles.
Take a stroll to the back of the library and to the periodic section is a new trunk with 24 titles. LT presents all favorite characters: Iron Man, Wonder Woman, Batman, Spider-Man and Captain America, along with less famous characters such as Morbius and Supergirl.
“You can take a lot of them. They have a back code on the back and you are checking them just as you would make a magazine, “Mills said. “We created this in early January. I was trying to figure out something to engage teens and twin. It was my little pet project. “
Mills is a fan of comics in the biggest part of his life, and courtesy remembers that he went to the RUP comic book store as a child. When he offered the monthly idea of the RUP club, the comic book owner was immediately on board, making a donation including current titles and some older.
“I like to do what I can,” Rup said. “This is just the beginning. It’s just like a free comic book day: I try to put comics in the hands of people who usually don’t try them, but it is also to make people read, leaving their digital devices, make them take a little read and enjoy yourself S “
Mills gave some color to RUP’s modest comments.
“I went to his secret warehouse and came to accumulate some boxes of comics,” says the librarian with a big smile.
“As I try to do a job, with libraries and other charity organizations, it’s just what we can do to provide comics,” Rup said. – Whether it is a public library of Clyde or other libraries, we are trying to help as much as we can. “
There is also a new comic book club for teens.
“With teenage book clubs, it can be hit or missed. There are so many genres and sub-genres, but making teens enter the library is one of our biggest things, “Mills said. “What we do for the comic book is that we create certain comics, read them and then discuss. It’s really fun. “
He said they could also bring their own comics. The first meeting was in January.
Rupp also gave Mills Hand when choosing age -appropriate comics for the club.
The club meets at the Clyde Public Library, 222 W. Buckeye St., Clyde, on the second Tuesday of each month. The next meeting will be on February 11th. Call (419) 547-7174 for more details or check out the Facebook page.