
Suffolk is the fifth fastest growing area of ​​Virginia from the pandemic – the Virginian pilot

Suffolk is the fifth fastest growing area of ​​Virginia from the pandemic – the Virginian pilot

Suffolk has observed a significant jump in the population after the coronavirus pandemic.

Weldon Cooper Cooper’s Weldon Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Center at the University of Virginia show a continuing trend after the pandemic of people migrating in small cities and rural counties.

“Within Hampton Roads, growth follows a similar geographical model as the rest of Virginia and the country with migration in Exurban and rural counties, causing Suffolk to be the fifth fastest growing area in Virginia in 2020 and the island of White to be the Rapid cultivation area, “said demographer Hamilton Lombard.

Lombard said Virginia has grown at its fastest speed in 2024 since the beginning of 2010.

The data show that Suffolk had a population of 102 572 in 2024, which is 8 248 of 2020 – an increase of 8.7% in four years. White Island, with a population of 41 048 in 2024, increased by 6.3% (2,442) from 2020.

The four counties, which grow faster than Suffolk, were in Central Virginia outside the Richmond area, including New Kent, Guckland, Louisa and Caroline.

The 2024 data from Weldon Cooper has shown changes in the population in the state since 2020 with the kind assistance of the Center for Public Service Weldon Cooper at the University of Virginia.
Weldon Cooper Public Service Center of Weldon Cooper of the University of Virginia shows changes in the population in the country between 2020 and 2024 with the kind assistance of the Weldon Cooper Public Service Center at the University of Virginia.

The deputy manager of the city city of Kevin Hughes said the city is “long known” and is preparing for growth aimed in its direction and that it is “no secret” that the greater part of the growth of the roads in Hampton should happen To the west of the Elizabeth River. He said that over the last 15 years the city has looked at strategic places on the main road sails to add ders of homes and tried to maintain a combination of residential accommodation in rural and suburban homes.

Hughes said that numerous factors attract people to Suffolk, including more affordable homes than neighboring areas, investment in the city in infrastructure, the steps made in the school system and are “well located” in the region. He said the city also made efforts to improve its broadband and internet capabilities, which has helped to do the remote work more vital in recent years than before. He also noted that businesses like to find areas where growth and future opportunities appear.

“So it was probably, you know, 20 years ago, where every special service you left from our city and going to some other settlement, driving to go to a doctor, depending on what it was,” Hughes said. “This is no longer the case. So whether in our central part of our city or in the northern part of Suffolk, these medical services are in the immediate vicinity, which is a really big deal. Bon Securs graduates from a brand new hospital, so we will go to two hospitals in one place, and then you will see many improvements, whether it is restaurants or retail, things of this nature where people are able to shop and Enjoy a lifestyle very close to where they live, against entering the car and travel to another municipality. “

Hughes said that some of the main employers in the city had previously had only 20-30% of their workforce living in Suffol, while now these numbers have increased to about 45-50%.

While Suffolk observed rapid growth, Lombard said that extra -immigration had caused Hampton, Newport News, Portsmouth and Virginia Beach to lose the 2020 population.

Suffolk has officially surpassed Portsmouth in the population. But Hampton roads are generally lagging behind in growth.

In 2024, Virginia Beach has approximately a population of 452 965 – 6 505 of 2020 and the largest decline in the population of each area in the state. Lombard said Virginia Beach had long had more people to move than to move. But what has changed in recent years is that there are less births in the city – as well as cities such as Newport News and Portsmouth – due to the aging population.

– And so [the population] It just ages and does not compensate for these losses of extra -immigration, and it really leads to this decline in Virginia Beach, “he said.

The Newport News population last year was 182 621 – a reduction of 1.9% since 2020. Hampton’s population remained largely equal to 136 793, which is 0.3% since 2020, while Portsmouth dropped by 2, 7% from 2020 to 95 240. Norfolk observed an increase in the population by 0.4% from 2020, with the estimated population being 245 406 in 2024.

Lombard says there is also a noticeable factor for the age where people move from. The population of the region under the age of 65 has shrunk since 2020. Within the region, he said that rural and Bibban areas, including Gluster, White Island and Suffolk, have observed some growth of their population under 45, even when it has fallen For the region as a whole.

Earlier Lombard said cities like Newport News and Hampton are mostly built, which can make them less attractive to new families.

While Virginia Beach, the largest city in the country, can continue to be attractive to business, Lombard said that business owners also look at places with considerable growth.

“I think some companies certainly, if they are looking for in the area, will be focused on where the population is growing? So, yes, White Island or Suffolk is where they can go, “he said.

Josh Gianni, [email protected]

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