
Step evolution: Omega Lamplters go to a national showcase – WCTV

Step evolution: Omega Lamplters go to a national showcase – WCTV

TALLASSEE, Florida (WCTV) – Omega Lamplets were one of the eight teams selected nationwide to participate in the Step Afrika step this week in Washington DC

The showcase aims to emphasize the powerful form of art of the foot, to gather communities and to celebrate black culture. The classics are held from February 14 to February 16.

While celebrating black high achievements, the team may be part of the creation of history, as the organizers hope to break the Guinness World Record for the largest step dance step in history.

The step has become a large part of the popular culture, but every crack and step is tied to cultural history.

The form of the art of the foot comes from South Africa with the Gumboot dance, according to Omega Lampters director. The dance is characterized by stepping and applause.

“Robbie miners will go and they will use a step as a form of celebration, as well as rituals, as well as used it as a means of communication,” said Steppe Terens McCra coach.

It was at a time when communication was banned for enslaved miners who wore specialized work boots.

The step has evolved to the main culture of HBCU and the organizations of Divine Nine Greek Letter. The form of art even expanded to competitive teams and youth organizations at college, such as Omega Lamplters.

“This is the percussive character of the music, the holiday, the energy that goes with it. It’s an expression of yourself, “McPa said.

Students like 11th grade, Caden Hall learned a lot about black culture by stepping with omega paneles. For the past six years, he has been part of the Mighty Light team.

“It has become a great job in my life. I do so much with the program, so it’s a big part of me, “Hall said.

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