
Staff moves in an emerging method, Jones Walker, Fishman Higoud – the advocate

Staff moves in an emerging method, Jones Walker, Fishman Higoud – the advocate

Baton blush

AriseAdvisory Management Company has announced the following promotions:

Teresa Walker was promoted to director. She joined the emerging method in 2018. She won a bachelor’s degree in mass communication from LSU.

Jeremy Johnson is a senior manager. He won a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Louisiana in Lafayette.

Ani Landri has been declared a senior manager. She won a bachelor of mass communications from the University of Louisiana in Lafayette and a Master’s Degree in Mass Communication from LSU.

Beth Long is a senior manager. Long is an IT consultant with decades of experience in large -scale technological migration and integration, quality provision and program management.

Emily Rodriguez is a senior manager. She won a bachelor of speech pathology and audiology from the University of Louisiana in Lafayette and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of Louisiana Tech.

Meagan Collman Wick is a senior manager. She won a bachelor’s degree in mass communication and a master’s degree in strategic communication, both from LSU.

Jacqueline Forest is a designer manager. She won a Bachelor of Graphic Design from LSU.

Adrienne Gail is a proposal manager. She won a Bachelor of Public Relations from the University of Louisiana in Lafayette and a Master’s Degree in Mass Communication from LSU.

Keisler Morrison is a manager. He won a Bachelor of Economics from LSU.

Jamie North is a manager. She won a Bachelor of Public Relations from the University of Houston.

Caleb Orto is a manager. He won a bachelor of marketing from the University of Southeast Louisiana.

Taylor Stirling is a manager. He won a Bachelor of Management from LSU.

Clarice Walton is a designer manager. She won a bachelor’s degree in animal science and a master’s degree in agricultural communication, as from the State University of Oklahoma

Justin Arrington is a senior consultant. He won the DEVOPS technology certificate from LSU.

Blair Buck is a senior consultant. She won the Bachelor of Information Systems and LSU solutions science.

Nicole d’anthoni is a senior consultant. She won the Bachelor of Information Systems and LSU solutions science.

Matt Lewis is a senior developer. He has won a contributor to digital media from Northwest Vista College and a computer science associate from San Antonio College.

Knight is a senior consultant. She won a bachelor of economics and a master’s degree in business administration, both from LSU.

Makenzie Morgan is a senior consultant. She won a bachelor’s degree in mass communication and a master’s degree in public administration, both from LSU.

Lois Smith is the new chief of development of Louisiana Political Institute for ChildrenS

Smyth has been in the non -profit and philanthropy sectors for nearly 20 years, including as Vice President of basic gift and donor relations in the capital United Way and Director of Donor Services for the Baton Rouge Foundation.

New Orleans

Nicole Davis has been hired as a communications manager for Visit the North CoastS

Davis has more than a decade of experience in digital media, social media management and video content strategy. She spent 5 years as a video editor in the Terrebonne parish consolidated government before joining Explore Houma as a social media manager and digital content.

She won a bachelor’s degree in mass communications/media research from Nicolls State University.

Sarah Hill was promoted to senior marketing manager. It has been visiting The Northshore from 2019 and has been declared a marketing manager in 2022.

She won a bachelor’s degree in communication from the University of Southeastern Louisiana and a master’s degree in hospitality management at the University of New Orleans.

Megan Montgomery has been selected as a partner with Jones WalkerS

She is a member of the Group for Corporate Practice and Meetings and Acquisitions and a private capital team at the New Orleans office.

He won a bachelor’s degree in finance, Cum Laude, from Tulane University and a law degree, Magna Cum Laude, from Tulan’s Faculty of Law. Montgomery was an associate editor of the Tulan Act and serves as a clerk for the Judge of the US Court of Appeal Edith Brown Clement of New Orleans and the late District Judge Martin LC Feldman of New Orleans.

Joe Aigan has been declared director of the New Orleans market for MemorialS

Eagan will monitor operations for eight funeral homes and cemeteries. It replaces Hugh Campbellwho will serve as a senior funeral director.

Previously, he was a general manager of the funeral homes and cemeteries of Lake Lawn Metaiirie.

He won a Bachelor of Business from LSU and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of New Orleans.

Zoe C. vogel joined the New Orleans’ office of Fishman Haygood as an associate in the court dispute section.

Before joining the company, Vogel was a legal associate of the Institute for Environment Legislation in Washington, County Columbia

She won a legal degree, Cum Laude, from the Law Faculty of Tulane University, where he was editor -in -chief of the magazine for environmental rights in Tulan.

Craig Schultz has been promoted to Chief Operations Officer of Zehnder CommunicationsS

Shultz joined Zehnder in 2003 as an account coordinator. He was recently Vice President of Operations.

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