
St. Paul’s State Church on Sunday – perspective of Mercer County

St. Paul’s State Church on Sunday – perspective of Mercer County

(1-30-25) Membership in the Church of St. Paul, located on 1538 Oregon Road, Roqueford, Oh, invites you to think of a visit to their church service at 10 am on Sunday, February 2, 2025.

The title of the lesson is “How wild is your Jesus?“Which is based on Luke 4: 21-30 and will be represented by Pastor Mike Hust.

21 He began to explain to them, “Today, this scripture is fulfilled just as you heard it.”

22 Everyone was hung for Jesus, so impressed, were they with the grace words flowing from His lips. They said, “This is Joseph’s son, isn’t it?”

23 Then Jesus told them, “You will undoubtedly quote this saying:” Doctor, heal. Do here in your hometown what we have heard you did at Capernaum. ” 24 He said, “I assure you that no prophet is welcome in the prophet’s hometown.25 And I can assure you that there were many widows in Israel in Israel during Elijah when it was not raining for three and a half years and there was a major food shortage in the ground. 26 Still, Elijah was sent to any of them, and only to a widow in the city of Zarefat in the Sidon area. 27 There were also many people with skin diseases in Israel during the prophet Elisha, but none of them were cleaned. Instead, Syrian Naaman was cleaned. “

28 When they heard this, everyone in the synagogue was filled with anger. 29 They rose and ran out of town. They made it to the crest of the hill on which their city was built so that they could throw it off the rock. 30 But he walked through the crowd and continued on his way.

The Sunday school starts at 9:00 for all ages. Try a biblical study during the week. The children’s Sunday school includes Bible -based lessons with activities and snacks.

Please call the church office at 419-942-1374 for any questions. Or visit the St. Paul – Rockford page on Facebook.

St. Paul’s State Church is an independent and non-advertising church after the Bible-community has been invited to consider a visit to their disability facility.

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