
St. Paul Mickey and companions (Martyrs) – Catholic Exchange

St. Paul Mickey and companions (Martyrs) – Catholic Exchange

St. Paul Mickey and companions (Martyrs) – Catholic Exchange

St. Paul Mickey was born in 1564 in Japan in a rich and pious Catholic family. He joined the Jesuits and became a qualified preacher, spreading the gospel throughout Japan. However, with the growth of Christianity, it has become a threat to the ruling authorities. In 1597, Paul Mickey and 25 other Catholics – including missionaries, catechists and laymen – were arrested and sentenced to death for refusing to give up their faith. Forced on March 600 miles to Nagasaki, they withstand brutal treatment but remained steadfast in prayer. After they reached their place for execution, they were crucified, continued to proclaim Christ as they died. St. Paul Mickey preached forgiveness from the cross, calling for those around him to embrace his faith. His martyrdom and that of his companions strengthened the determination of Christians in Japan and inspired generations of believers.

Practical lessons:

  1. Stand firmly in your faith: Paul Mickey and his companions refused to give up their beliefs, even before death. In everyday life, it means to stand up for your values ​​- whether at work, among friends or on social media – even when it is unpopular.
  2. Forgive those who hurt you: As he died, Paul Mickey forgives his pursuers. When someone misleads you, choose to forgive instead of being resentment. This may mean offering offense at work, offering the kindness of a difficult family member or praying for someone who has hurt you.
  3. Live your faith boldly: Japanese martyrs evangelize to their last breath. You don’t have to be a preacher, but you can share your faith through small actions – applying in a public place, inviting a friend to a table, or talking about your faith when opportunities arise.


St. Paul Mickey and your faithful companions, you have remained strong in faith, despite persecution and death. Pray for us to have the courage to stand firm in our beliefs, the grace of forgives our enemies and the diligence of sharing Christ with the world. May your witness inspire us to live every day with unwavering confidence in God. Amen.


“The only reason for my murder is that I have learned the teaching of Christ. Thank God it is a reason to die. ” – St. Paul Mickey

Other saints we remember today

  • St. Dorothy (303) Virgo, martyr, patron of the florists
  • St. Titus (96), bishop

Image: Laureano Atlas, Public Domain, Via Wikimedia Commons

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