
South Cocktail with 3 -angredient, which has become an instant hit in 2024 – AOL

South Cocktail with 3 -angredient, which has become an instant hit in 2024 – AOL

Caitlin Bensel, Food Stylist: Torie Cox

Caitlin Bensel, Food Stylist: Torie Cox

The end of the year is always a good time to share delicious and reliable recipes, especially during the peak hosting season. And we like to hear about the recipes that readers make when repeated year after year (positive reviews and 5-star ratings also help!). As we are starting to plan New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Days, it was fun to see a simple and refreshing 3-circuit cocktail to take first place in 2024. The best part of this aerated, salty, sour drink? This is a classic.

Related: Our 50 most popular recipes from 2024

Who was the most arrogated cocktail since 2024

Chilton, Which we shared on Instagram in April, became an instant hit with over 3000 shares and 2,300 saves.

Chilton cocktail recipe

Caitlin Bensel, Food Stylist: Torie Cox

Caitlin Bensel, Food Stylist: Torie Cox

What does Chilton do so special

  • The recipe: For starters, this recipe is easy and is made with only three ingredients: vodka, lemon juice and soda.

  • The story: While people everywhere enjoy Chilton, the cocktail has roots in the state of the lone star. If you spent time in Lubbock, Texas, Chilton probably already knows you. According to the local legend, a bartender at the village club Lubbock first made the drink with the help of a thirsty patron named Dr Chilton.

  • Praise: Fans say this recipe is similar to the increasingly popular ranch water, another emblematic drink in Texas.

  • The shares: It was an immediate hit the moment we posted and published this recipe.

How chilton is different from vodka soda

In our comments on Instagram, there were several skeptics asking how chilton was different from vodka soda. This is a valid question. What distinguishes Chilton is the amount of lemon juice (our recipe requires 2 ounces) and a salt glass rim. A reviewer even noted that you would want “a lot of lemon juice so that the drink looks cloudy.”

What do reviewers say

The many 5-star reviews admired that this cocktail was “so light and refreshing!”:

“Taste just as good in San Antonio as in Lubbok. The rim salting is just a gilding of the lily. A little ice, a simple old-ranked oil vodka, the juice of the half lemon (there is your aroma, right there), Seltzer Topper, It is good to go.

“This drink I had many years ago at Lubbock. I did it at home and recently spent time at Lubbock at the Overton Hotel. They made one of the best I had. If you ever get to Lubbock you have one ! ”

“We have been drinking them for decades. It’s called adult lemonade. “

“I buy bulk lemons for this drink specifically.”

It’s so good, there was even a song about it

The Panhandlers, a band of four songs of Western Texas, even wrote about this song. Here is a popular verse that many of our readers mentioned in the comments:

“Yes, when life gives you lemons

Make you chilton ”

Read the original article about Southern Living

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