
South Carolina still fails to debate a real school choice – Fitsnews

South Carolina still fails to debate a real school choice – Fitsnews

Recently, it has been talking a lot in the political circles in South Carolina about the choice of school. Unfortunately, that’s all (and all that has ever been) … conversationS

As for the creation of meaningful academic freedom in the Palmo state, the so -called “Republicans” failed to decades -Makar that at the same time, the air with a state system that has not caused the generations of generations is increasing consistently.

And awaken the indoctrination …

This “Epic Fail” expanded to the session of the National Assembly of the National Assembly 2025-2026, in which a school election was supposed to be the “highest priority” of the Senate President of the SC Thomas Alexander and SC House Speaker Murel SmithS

It is clear that it was no the highest priority For every politicianS


Alexander and Smith did not raise their finger in support of school choices. Meanwhile, the legislation, which is currently undergoing the so-called “republican” legislation legislation, is a soaked version of the legislative legislators of the weak choice previously adopted. Even worse? The new school selection bill is based on the financing of the SC education lottery … a decreasing, uncertain source of revenue.

How did we get here? Last September, the Supreme Court of the State (as configured earlier) narrowly reduced the broad sections of the Educational Scholarships Trust Fund (ESTF) – a modest school selection program created by the SC General Assembly and administered by the SC (SC Education Division ( Scde). According to its controversial decision, this fund provides “direct benefit” to private educational institutions that violate “constitutional restrictions on the use of public funds”.

From this decision, über-liberal chief judge Donald Beatty has withdrawn from the bench and has been replaced by John Kitrege – Justice, which is the author of a disgusting rebuke of the majority’s decision. New justice Stilati Verdin She also took her place on the court.

In other words, today the Supreme Court is drastically different from the one who decided last year …

Instead of being strengthened by this newly created court, state legislators seem hopelessly fixed on attachment to their previous iteration of the left center.


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In accordance with Kowtowing, the lottery scholarship bill entered by SC senator Greg Hambre of Myrtle Beach, SC – S. 62 – will provide 10,000 scholarships in the next fiscal year (2025-2026) and to 15,000 scholarships every year. The scholarships will amount to 90 percent of “average funding for students from state sources for the previous school year”. According to the current state budget, this would be $ 7,692.30 of a scholarship – for a total $ 76.9 million In the general funding for the election of a school (if it is assumed that each scholarship has been completed).

Are that a lot of money? No… It certainly does not compare to what the state spends annually to a child for its factories failed by the government.

According to the SC revenue and fiscal issues (SCRFA) to finance students in South Carolina during this fiscal year is a record $ 18,842 “And that amount no Include local bond emissions or money that schools store in transfer bills. It’s stunning $ 13.46 billionOn the basis of the present student population of the state.

The Hembree Bill cleared the Senate of the National Assembly by a huge majority and was sent to the House of Representatives of the National Assembly – who has not yet held a hearing on the bill. We hope that the house will soon schedule a hearing and make a preliminary version of a choice that provides some resemblance to academic freedom in the Palmo state.

While waiting for the house to deal well with the “highest priority” leader, I will also wait for hembree to do well His Promise to achieve a separate school selection bill – one, funded with private money – sponsored by SC senator Tom DavisS And for the house to progress on this bill.

Here’s something, but …

Even if both bills pass (and I hope they do it), nor even approaches the vicinity of the district code of something that remotely resembles a “universal parental choice”. Seriously … I don’t care how many Americans for prosperity posts or text messages you receive ask you “Thank you so-and so for them” Don’t believeS

It’s all nonsense.


Members of the South Carolina press at the State House in Colombia, SC (File))


GOP Supermajority in South Carolina is no longer perceived a real universal choice of school than Rachel Maddow He hugs Maga. In fact $ 447 million The choice program, advanced by the Republican Tennessee legislation the next day.

And even that Bill is not “universal …”

“Universal” means everyone – No exception, no restrictions and no restrictionsS

It means that whoever you are, wherever you live and wherever you want to go to school, Every penny tax money related to your education follows youS

All $ 18,842S

That is a “universal choice of school” and everything that does not reach it, by definition … noS

Oh, and anyone who protects as much as a penny from going into the current system protects the definition.

As noted earlier, South Carolina poorly tracks its neighboring countries and regional rivals in academic freedom – ranking № 27 to Cato InstituteThe last list. Florida and Georgia Rank No. 3 and 8respectively, while North Carolina, Kentucky and Virginia are ranked No. 12No. 14 and. 15respectively. In other words, the state of Palmo does not have time to deal with the ends … especially with other southern countries that make such bold movements.

The South Carolina’s “super -mastery” is confronted with a clear and urgent need, a reconfigured court, eager to give its impression and the promises of its two most powerful leaders.

In other words, they are out of excuses. The conversation time ended. It’s time to pass actually Choosing a school in South Carolina and start putting your parents on responsibility instead of an unsuccessful, left-wing bureaucracy.


For the author …

Will the people is the fundamental editor of the newsletter you are currently reading. Prior to establishing Fitsnews, he was a press secretary of the governor of South Carolina. He lives in the Midlands area of ​​the state with his wife and eight childrenS


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