With the camera of her mobile phone, supported by a tall bunch of kitchen containers, Kevin Ashton begins his work day by shooting while cooking delicious dishes for dislike – and millions of Tiktok viewers.
“I had no idea it would become as successful as it was. I always do it just because it’s fun, “Ashton told 2 news Nevada, with the French toast pulling aparts boiling on the grid behind it.
He started this video, which swings five breads, then pushed them out of the counter.
“Guys, I want to show you a really cool way to make your French toast,” says his voice as he breaks his eggs with cream, vanilla bean paste, maple syrup and a healthy cinnamon. He adds a cube of bread to the mixture, then lies about pants from mixing his stove like a pancake.
The video has over 300,000 likes. Today his page, OldScoolkevmo has 3.6 million Tik Tok followers and 97.1 million likes.
Ashton says he has always dreamed of becoming a celebrity cook. He has been posting videos from his cooking online for years, previously marked as a chef at a gourmet restaurant. But he says his page really took off when he started cooking a daily meal for Pi Beta Phi Sorority.
“Nobody cooks Wagyu beef and lobster queues, but people will make French toast pulls, so they will watch this video,” he said.
But from video comments, it is clear that people are not just looking at Ashton’s recipes. They also follow his life history, including his 3.5 years of sobriety and his battle with cancer.
Ashton fights melanoma at Stage 4.
“I do as radiation and immune therapy and all my tumors shrink,” he said. “They go in the right direction, so it’s like crossed fingers, we move forward with it.”
He says that posting daily videos in Tiktok and hearing from followers who fight similar battles or want to offer their support, maintains their mood high.
Ashton says there is only one message for everyone who is watching: “There are no rules in cooking. I always tell people. “