
Snow Blinded: Tallahassees are jumping into creative action. Here are your best photos – Tallahassee Democrat

Snow Blinded: Tallahassees are jumping into creative action. Here are your best photos – Tallahassee Democrat

After days of warnings of possible snow, Tallahassee-area residents were stunned when the jackhammer hit the streets Tuesday night.

Not only did the snow mix, but it continued into Saturday morning, with ice and drifting snow lingering in shady areas.

The winter wonderland has become a playground for Floridians. We asked readers for photos and video, and so many responded with imagination and flair. For once, weather warnings brought minimal damage and maximum fun.

Other than the icy streets, it was fun while it lasted. See more photos in our Sunday Print edition and visit to see more photos and videos.

If you want to share, it’s not too late. Send photos of photos to Upload short videos of including a sentence about when and where your snow photos were taken, including who is in the photo. Be sure to include who to credit for the photo.

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