
Shaw: Reply to Riley’s letter – projection is a tactic – Daily Independent

By Bill Shaw | Sun City

I feel obligated to provide a respectful counterpoint to Brian Riley’s letter in the 10/31 Daily Independent.

Projection is a tactic DJT has been using forever. As for the fascism label – Vice President Harris was simply repeating General Kelly’s comments in his NYT op-ed. Gen. Kelly was his longest-serving chief of staff.

In contrast, DJT has reinforced his “enemy within” narrative, with the enemy list expanded to include anyone who disagrees with him—from elected Democratic officials to figures like Morning Joe—and unfortunately, to voters like me.

As for Mr. Riley’s hilarious characterization of the violent uprising that injured the Capitol Police and caused about $4 million in damage as a so-called “uprising” — I watched the tape live. This was not a “love fest” or a guest house for tourists.

As far as election meddling goes, only one candidate was behind an elaborate and coordinated plot to overturn the 2020 election with a set of fake voters to throw the election to the House of Representatives. My guess is that the author supported the votes of all but one of our Arizona GOP congressional representatives to throw out our legitimate list of voters certified by the GOP governor at the time. Ducey. The same Doug Ducey whose signing ceremony was interrupted by a missed call from DJT about meddling in our state’s election.

As for the cited “corrections” to the vote totals that the author claims were made by Democrats and RINOs – that’s what most of us call pulling legally cast ballots until they’ve all been counted, from tireless and diligent bipartisan campaign workers.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcome

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