
Scotsdale panel to deal with traffic safety – Tribune East Valley

Scotsdale panel to deal with traffic safety – Tribune East Valley

Like a good driver, Scottsdale’s transportation committee looked far ahead – and checked the rearview mirror.

The first meeting of the year on January 16 for the volunteer Commission revealed a new safety plan, after which he reviewed the latest traffic plans in the city.

Transport Director Mark Melnichenko has reviewed his department, overcoming several “Council -approved Plan”, starting with the 2008 Transport Plan.

It included a “overall street initiative”, which was the basis of what became known as – with love or ridicule – “road diets”.

In 2016, the Municipal Council approved an updated transport plan, which declared the city a “roundabout”.

2022 Transport Action Plan outlined several complete candidates for a street/road diet. But after a hotly discussed road diet on the 68th street, Melnichenko hit the brakes on a similar plan on Thomas Road’s “full street”, which would eliminate a motor lane in favor of two bicycle lanes.

Several of the new selected employees of Scottsdale have included diet messages in their campaigns, so Melnichenko is unlikely to resurrect the full street plans in the near future.

In fact, his presentation showed that Scottsdale had 198 miles of bicycle lanes, just below the goal of 200 miles.

Several recent projects he quoted adds bicycle lanes – while expanding or adding motor lanes for vehicles.

The list of “completed major projects” of the transport director includes:

• Pima Road: Pinnacle Peak to Happy Valley;

• Happy Valley: Pima Road to Alma School;

• Hayden Miller Bridge: Pinnacle Peak to Happy Valley.

According to the presentation of Melnichenko, “Scottsdale (E) more fucked than many in the region.”

The Maricopa Governments Association ranked the first 100 intersections at risk of crash.

Scotsdale had two intersections in the top 100 – Camelback Road and Goldwater Boulevard of No. 70 and Hayden and Thomas Roads of No. 75.

Safety focus

The look back put the committee scene to score in the coming months.

Nathan Domume, the city planning planning manager, told the Scottsdale Transport Commission and a street department is currently developing a strategic transport safety plan throughout the city.

The purpose of the big picture for the Doma and the staff: “We strive to reduce the likelihood of road accidents, leading to fatal or serious injuries.”

When a commissioner mentioned that she had never heard of such a plan, Doma confirmed: “This will be the first complete safety plan (city).”

Other plans had safety as a component, he noted.

The progress of the plan is divided into sections such as “Road Right Workforce”, education, implementation, public work and development of a “high injury network”.

In October, DOMME said he and his staff met with Tylin consultants and began analyzing data on collisions and speed studies and “currently analyzes data to determine the results.”

The Commission approved the outlines of DOME DINE-Meeting.

The meeting of the Transport Commission on February 20 will include “best practices from other cities and regional partners.”

The meeting on April 17 will immerse themselves in “data analysis and high -risk places”.

After several other monthly meetings, Doma plans to open a plan of the plan in October.

“Tylin Engineering is the consultant working on the safety plan of Transport of Scottsdale; They will be paid $ 360,000, “said Christina Lenko, a spokesman for transport.

“Federal and local funding will pay for the plan.”

Lilo Mediani

The Transport Commission 2025: Mary Ann Miller (Chair), Mailan Pankiewicz, Kerry Wilcoxon, Emmie Cardella, Robert Marmon, Kyle Davis and Lee Kauftheil.

The first committee meeting for the year included a report summarizing 2024. Cardela missed one of the nine meetings, others had perfect records of attendance. However, Davis missed the match on January 16th.

Last year’s discussion topics and votes include: detecting bicycles for traffic signals; Jackrabbit/Miller Road Improvements; draft of the “Shadow and Tree Plan”; and the Lilo study.

At the meeting of the Committee on the Transport Commission in November, Sam Taylor, an urban traffic engineer, gave an examination of the medians on the left in – left (Lilo) on the Shea Boulevard.

For decades, Scottsdale has been using Lilo’s broken median to facilitate left -wing vehicles.

“The idea behind Lilo is to provide an area for the placement of left -handed vehicles without the need for additional traffic control – as a signal to be a signal,” the staff report explains.

“Left turns are essentially broken into two -storey movement, which allows the use of smaller traffic gaps to fully bend.”

The city already has 60 intersections of Lilo, which were analyzed by Brendan Rousseau of the University of North Arizona.

“The main advantage of Lilo’s intersection is the driver can focus on one direction of traffic,” Rousseau told the committee.

A more early study “showed a significant reduction in angle collapses, left turn and injuries to Lilo sites compared to standard medium -sized opening areas,” he added.

According to protocols from the November meeting, Marmon told Rousseau that it was not sold at Lilo intersections, “noting that they are introducing ambiguity and more indecision with all drivers.”

Sam Taylor, an urban traffic engineer, admitted a study of Lilo’s intersections “revealed a slight increase in side fingers due to maneuver merge, but a significant reduction in angle and injuries.”

Other commissioners wanted to see more data and wondered how the pedestrians were.

“Rousseau agreed that it was important to think about pedestrians, cyclists and others, but explained that this was not part of this study and would require many videos to be collected,” according to protocols.

The bottom row seems to be Lilo.

“Taylor discussed the process of converting the intersection,” the note of minutes, “and noted that the new CIPs (capital improvement projects) are mainly building intersections of Lilo.”

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