
Scotsdale assisted living worker accused of sexual assault on a patient – FOX 10 News Phoenix

Scotsdale assisted living worker accused of sexual assault on a patient – FOX 10 News Phoenix

A medicinal technician in a Scotsdale The assistant facility was arrested and charged with a sexual assault on a resident diagnosed with dementia and Alzheimer’s.

What we know:

The alleged attack is caught on video using a camera designed for a family to register with their loved one.

Forty -three -year -old Gabriel Garcia was hired at Scottsdale Square at the end of December, but was then stopped next month.

Garcia, a drug technician, has been accused of sexual assault over a 78-year-old resident in the Scottsdale assisted facility on January 28th.

He was planned to return to work on January 29, but was told he had been stopped due to a continued investigation.

“The allegations against you are a census for sexual assault, a Class 2 crime and a census of vulnerable adult abuse. This is a Class 4 crime,” the judge said.

According to court documents, the victim’s son has seen that sexual assault is done with the help of a live camera. The son announced it to the facility, which then reported it to the police.

The records show that the victim was diagnosed with dementia of Alzheimer’s. When she was questioned, she told the police that she was not aware of what had happened.

Garcia was arrested days later and reported to have admitted his actions after seeing the photos. He is said to have told the police that it was difficult to raise an autistic son at home and explain how this was hindering his marriage.

“If you are posting this connection and are released on this ankle monitor, you cannot contact the alleged victim, you cannot own drugs without a valid recipe and you cannot be unaccompanied with a vulnerable adult,” the judge told him.

Dig for a deeper:

The Sheriff of Maricopa Sheriff has confirmed that Garcia has also been accused in another case of sexual assault that happened in March at Fountain Hills Post Acute.

McSo is investigating, but no charges have been filed.

What’s next:

Fox 10 turned to Scottsdale Village Square for a comment on this employee, but is yet to receive an answer.

Crime and public Safetyscottsdalenews

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