
SC joins the legal battle in the passage of President Trump to redefine the 14th amendment –

SC joins the legal battle in the passage of President Trump to redefine the 14th amendment –

The Order of Changing the Citizenship of Firstborn Rights was one of President Trump’s first actions when he returned to service.

Columbia, SC – South Carolina Prosecutor Alan Wilson says he supports the controversial executive order of President Donald Trump, who would redefine first -born citizenship.

President Trump issued the order on the first day of his Presidency. He calls on the United States to refuse citizenship after February 19th to those whose parents are in the country illegal. The President believes that it is necessary to sign illegal immigration by deterrent, entering the country.

However, the order provoked legal challenges and only days later the federal judge blocked the order, calling it “roughly non -constitutional.”

Both sides in the debate point to the first sentence of the fourteenth amendment, which was adopted in 1866, indicating “all persons born or naturalized in the United States and are subject to their jurisdiction are citizens of the United States and for the State, in the state, in which they reside. ”

The parties from both sides of the court case submit arguments in support or against the order. The judge who blocks the order is intended to have a hearing on February 6 to decide whether to block it for a long time as the case continues.

Wilson, along with 17 other chief state lawyers, supports President Trump’s pressure. Wilson said the 14th amendment means to ensure that the newly created slaves and their children are citizens. He claims to allow the children of immigrants who come illegally, perceives the true intent of the change.

Others, however, claim that the interpretation that the children of immigrants, regardless of status, are citizens, have been supported for over 100 years of legal precedent.

Wilson said citizenship should be limited to US citizens or legal permanent residents. He believes that this is aligned with the two -part testing test for citizenship: whether a person was born in the United States and whether it is the subject of its jurisdiction.

Wilson also believes that the country is financially loaded by covering the births of non -citizens.

The rest of the states that join South Carolina include Iowa, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missuri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah and Wioming.

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