Washington, County Colombia – Congressman David Ruzer (R-NC-07) has announced that he is looking for a veteran, member of the Gold Star family, or a spouse of an active workload of a scholarship position at his Wilmington office. This person will work with the military and their families to deal with the veterans related work and act as a link between voters and federal, local and state agencies.
“It is an honor for me to work with the House of Representatives to hire a green and gold associate to help serve veterans and military officials living in the 7th Congress District of North Carolina,” said Representative Rouzer. He continued: “This program enables a member of the military community to use its first hand experience and perspective to help meet the needs of other members of the service.”
Veterans Requirements: Aid are limited to veterans that meet all of the following requirements:
- Served on duty in the last six years; and
- There must be an E-5 or O-3/W-2 terminal rank and below; and
- There must be an honorary discharge.
Gold Star Requirements: Aid should be a child/step -old child, spouse, parent/step -parent or siblings/step -sisters of a veteran who:
- He died in the execution of the duty while serving in the armed forces; or
- Died of a disability associated with service during the four -year period in the last date of discharge.
Requirements of the spouse with active load: The assistants must be the spouse of active service. Active military officials are those who:
- Work in the full -time military and are subject to a constant change of station orders (PCS) after the end of each on -call tour.
More information about this position and instructions on how to apply hereS