
Request for FOIA issued on Merrick Garland’s “Tommy Gun” – Amlland Sports Sports News

Request for FOIA issued on Merrick Garland’s “Tommy Gun” – Amlland Sports Sports News

What better gift for separation from a gun they will arrest you for? (The United States Ministry of Justice/Facebook)

“FBI Urai Director Merick Garland Gifts is a federally banned” Tommy Gun “,” Bizpac Review reported Earlier this month. “As he turned to Garland, Urai offered him a special gift:” So, on behalf of 38,000 men and women from the FBI, I would like to present to you, your own Tommy pistol. “

This is not really a “federal forbidden”, just highly regulated, albeit 13, and Colombia County has bans.

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The story included an publication from the American Firearm Association for a C-SPAN video of the presentation made during Garland’s “Goodbye Address”.

It was not lost by the observers was the hypocrisy of the FBI director, who arrested citizens on charges of federal weapons, “presented” Tommy Pistol to General Prosecutor, who pursues them, everything despite the clear term of a second amendment that “the right to the right to the right to the right to The right to “the right to the right to the right to the right to” the right to the right to “right to” right to the right of “right” people to preserve and bear weapons will not be violated. “

“With a frightening 50 round drum! Talk about a “dining device with high quality ammunition! (But then they think of us as peasants and they are the snack), “said a poster for comment. “They openly make fun of the average citizen … If there was once a reason to support 2A,” another replied.

It certainly looks that way. He also raises the question “Is the pistol real and all the appropriate bureaucratic (” law enforcement agencies “are skipped through what will transfer a” ordinary citizen “behind bars for a good part of their lives if they jump?

The answer to this question is unclear. On a Politico Ceremony Report:

“Your guide and your values ​​have never waved,” Urai said, presenting Garland with the type of Tommy Gun ever used by agents.

This enhances the considerations of the ethics referred to in the Department of Gifts and Entertainment Policy of the Department of Justice Management and the applicable federal provisions. What about the higher/subordinate relationships? What about the value of the gift? And were the applicable policies and public procurement policies and permits?

He raises even more technical and legal issues, which I presented to the designer of friends and firearms Len Savage, president, historical weapons, LLC, to assume the possibility of fulfilling the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

“My understanding is, even if it is deactivated (which we still don’t know): ’10 .1.5 Dewats. The deactivated military trophy (Dewat) firearms are still firearms under the NFA, “I noted. If it is “real”, there are legal problems with the local authority… ( Politico The story put the ceremony in the big hall at DC headquarters in Washington of DOJ, and this demand shows that it is an illegal citizen to own machine guns in the area. And if this is neither “real” nor deactivated, but simply a replica, the international military antiques (“The World Leader of Military Collection Substances, the Military Antiques and the Militory Industry”) notes:

The new replicas made weapons cannot be sent to Washington DC, MA, CT, Wi, NYC, (in NY, CA & KS should only be used for theatrical purposes) these places or restrict or prohibit trade in firearm imitation, which are replicas of modern firearms. In certain circumstances, we can only deliver modern firearms to these jurisdictions.

“I passed the video. I took a screenshot of Tommy’s Pistol, Savage replied. “Take a look at the red muzzle showing a replica … It may just be a red plug on a real pistol, but I doubt it. Most resins and metal replicas come with this muzzle included.

“The drums were made in 10 round maximum capacity during the ban on weapons attack. There are also hollow replicas there, “he noted. “If this is a semi-automatic new modern version, it will be a short barrel rifle (SBR) due to the 10-inch barrel (dubious) shown.

“Without better photos or better exam, I can’t rule out that the gun is live. There are hundreds of examples in the National DOJ Firearm Collection has access to. Under 922 (O) doj/ATF may authorize the production or transfer of mg at any time to any person not prohibited. (“Or under the power of”).

“This is probably a live MG or even Dewat. I guess this is probably just a replica on the display. Foia, who is asked about the origin (as well as who produced it) of the “gift”, must also ask to clarify whether it is a live firearm or made by a live firearm, “Savage concluded.

I did that, built from below. Lawyer Stephen Istanbul filed a request to FOIA on Monday asking for the relevant records. As the stone wall and the refusals are a hallmark of the last administration, it will be interesting to see what the position of the FBI/DOJ will be under the administration of PAM Bondi/Kash Patel and will submit a subsequent report when it becomes known.

For David Codrea:

David Codrea has won numerous awards for journalists to investigate/defense of RKBA and a long -time defender of the weapon owner who challenges the stupidity of the disarmament of citizens. He blogs of “War against Weapons: Resistance Notes” is a regularly represented associate of firearms and Twitter publications: @dcodrea And Facebook.

David Codrea

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